I read a good one today
Bob 05-19-2007
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Experience is a mistake that you lived through.

Then I must have a PhD.

I can probably tell you of at least two ways to do anything to do with pumping that will not work. Sometimes success is reached through the process of elimination. Experience..... indeed  ;~)

Slavedattler 05-19-2007
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Boy did you nail that one, I am new here and just got into our management team after a lifetime of learning, the hard way at times, most all should have the same stories.


Bob 05-19-2007
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When you are handed a remote box it should have directions on the side. A list of things that you should not do; things that don't work. It would make life more easy for the customers, the hose man and the owners. But then think of all the "experience" we would be denied. ;~)

Slavedattler 05-19-2007
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I thought the remote should come with a spring loaded boxing glove, with a dummy button hehe.

Slavedattler 05-19-2007
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How do I post a topic here, there seem to be no post new topic link here.

Bob 05-20-2007
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Scroll to the top of the page and click on MESSAGE BOARD.

When the new screen comes up look at the top right of the posts; just above the date & time. It will say new discussion.  ;~)