Todd | 05-11-2008 | comment profile send pm notify | Supports World Vision One Child at a time. For more info and to see the kids that you all are now supporting by supporting this web site go to this link. |
Todd | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Oh and happy mothers day. I got up early this morning to get some stuff for mothers day breakfast and while at the store the casher told me she had not heard from her son in years but was hopping today that he would call her. If you are her son please call her. |
toper | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
im w/ telequip on this one every one could use a little help from time to time, and what better place to start a charity than w/ youtr fellow ops. i think we would have to agree on the charity of course. |
Mudslinger | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey Todd: Get her Ph# and I'll call her!!! Every Mom deserves a call from someone on Mothers Day! |
Todd | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well Tebequip looks like you got a partner, you and toper can start something like that. I will help how ever i can but I dont want to be directly involved with something like that. I would support it but dont want to start it or run it. I personally like World Vision because 35.00 keeps a kid alive for a month. Each person should do what they feel called to do, so I am all for helping out operators and would help but as far as this sites Main charity for now anyway is World Vision. For those who would like to help great and for those who dont its ok with me.
Todd | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey Mudslinger, Thanks for the idea, i am going to go back and find her and give her a card. You are the man. if you ever have any other great ideas let me know. |