I ve been reading old topics about
Ti-so 12-03-2013
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Since the last 3 days i ve been reading old topics about korean pumps.i completly changed my mind about concord,kcp and alliance.

I ve learn on a 1979 thompson 875 28m.Then schwing 1989 1200/32 ,1997 32m,1998 36m 2023-5,2000 39m and 41m 2006.I m questionning my self that,at the price i paid my 41m 2006 should i have looked at alliance, concord or kcp.My 41m is 14800 truck hours/9500 p hours/378500 miles on.It has never let me down.But the extra money i put a bit every month just to prevent or to replace used parts.Since yesterday,i was all schwing because it was the only pump i ve been introduce to.I know that used schwing are reliable.I paid hi price for used schwing and never ever thought about brand new schwing due the hi price,neither putz!

First eyes opener,i ve had the chance to deal with Jody at Alliance.Really good guy and seems to work with good poeple.their product seems pretty good has far has i know about it.Bought a 32m schwing from them and it was real pleasure to work with him.

Then i met a member of this site,he tells me how much he paid for his brand new 2014 38m concord.I said man,we are getting closer to my used schwing 41m.But ,even at 14800 hours it has never let me down and i saves a couple butt this summer.

Maybe i m trying to find a way to afford a new paint job!!!!

From All the old to topics i read,i saw a drastict change of thought from topics of 2006 to 2008.at beginning poeple were bashing about the bad stories happened years back and then the talking were more and more how operator friendly those pumps are,reliable,low price.And then i read this YOUR ARE PAID FOR PUMPING CONCRETE AND BOOM REACH NOT FOR YOUR WISTLES AND GADGETS.

I contacted concord they will come back with a price for a 40m.I will contact Kcp too!!i already have the price of alliance 40m and 43m 5 sections.

I want to make a smart move for the futur.Maybe i should  buy a couple spray paint can loll


Dipstick 12-03-2013
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I think this is more and more the future.. I hear this everywhere. The big guys leave the door wide open for the competition by building to complicated machines. They are not getting better only more expensive..

gboom 12-04-2013
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Check out Liebherr pumps

Ti-so 12-05-2013
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Thks gboom,i just sent them an email.First impression,they ll be too expensive,but i ll see!!!and let you know.do you know something about those pump?

gboom 12-05-2013
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Liebherr bought out Waitzinger pumps, i believe they were sold in North america under Reed. I have never seen one, but from what i heard good , dependable pumps.I know that Liebherr will not put their name on just anything, you will get a quality product for sure.

Boomerr 12-05-2013
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I have run newer Aliance and a Concord and they are not built like a Schwing, you get what you pay for...   They are not as dependable, more problems and breakdowns. My older schwing has never let me down....

Beast 12-08-2013
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Being you haven't ran a new one Boomer , you are just guessing they're not as good a pump , I have schwings , putzmeister , concords, and I can tell you I will send that Concord out on any job I'll send the others on , it's a stout pump without all the bullshit on it , they flat out will pump concrete and the booms are the smoothest on the market , times have changed , while they were improving there machines , putzmeister has made more electrical problems , and honestly got infatuated with making lightweight pumps , schwing well they're schwing , the most dependable bullet proof machines out there , but not near as operator friendly as the Concord.

Beast 12-08-2013
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Boomer I'm sorry I misread your previous post , I have a 40 meter concord and it's a beast