i whiped out my cell and showed a contractor why steel on the hose is a bad idea
rockhard 06-16-2011
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Today I had guy ask if I whould put a s tube on a rubber hose to do icf basement, so I put on my 5-4 and 4-3 s tube then my 3in hose with no end on it, and I thout the guy was going to explode. I explaned that it was unsafe to have steel on the end and assured him this was common practice, all he wanted to do was argue so I showed him on concretepumping what happens to people when they pump with steel on hose Victory!!! And safe


Todd 06-16-2011
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sweet, you are my hero. What picture did you show him?

PM-Eng 06-17-2011
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Lined up with Todd in the cheering section, well done!!

rockhard 06-17-2011
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I showed him tips for your tips. It was nice that some one listened and took the right aproch to make these types of pours safer. This was a new contractor out of the phx valley