I will be at the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport Marriott on the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th of October. It is all about Concrete Pumping
Todd 09-03-2011
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2011 ACPA Fall Board Meeting http://www.concretepumpers.com/cgi-bin/start.cgi/home.html I am going for the ASME meetings and hanging around for the ACPA Board Meeting. If you are not a ACPA memeber but still want to come by and say hi please do. I always love hanging with ConcretePumping.com members.

If your not a ACPA member please think about joining it is well worth the money. Call me if you want to talk or get together. 805 659-3437

Todd Bullis


Todd Jr 09-03-2011
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If you're not a member please listen to Todd and join. Now is not the time to sit back and watch. Very important for our industry to survive. Get involved now!