I would like to thank http://www.superprimer.com for joining ConcretePumping.com
Todd 01-09-2013
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I am very please to have another site sponsor and my hope is that with all of us working together we can build a better ConcretePumping.com and a better Concrete Pumping industry.

Thanks Super Primer.


My2cents 01-09-2013
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Admin Edit, this post is about our new sponsor not the ACPA.

Mister_Perkins 01-09-2013
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Are there any videos of this being used? It seems like standard bag of slick prime would work better, as you dont have to shake the bag for 1 minute before using

My2cents 01-09-2013
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Bag of slick pac in a 5 gallon bucket does wonders. Cherrioo.

Ne-max 01-09-2013
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I tried the slick willie liquad style before and was not impressed.  I might have to try the free sample on your website to se how it compares.  Always had good luck with the original slick pack. 

Mister_Perkins 01-10-2013
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yeah slick willie sucks!

crete 01-10-2013
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Brandon. Don't you mean slick pac II ?

crete 01-10-2013
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Tried to edit but didn't know how. But why not give it a try, free sample is priced right!

Mister_Perkins 01-10-2013
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I love slick pak 2 but its expensive. we use Pumpcrete prime most of the time