I would like to welcome and thank Sany for Supporting this web site.
Todd 01-31-2008
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Well I have to say that ConcretePumping.com has truly become an international web site. With Pump Owners and Operators from all over the world coming together to discus topics and issues related to the Concrete Pumping industry.

It is with great pride that we add Sany to the list of our Site Sponsors.


PUMPSUM 01-31-2008
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I saw em at the world of concrete and they had nice stuff but they didnt speek english. I arent going to learn chinese.

Bob 01-31-2008
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My guess is that they haven\'t had the time to put together an American team. They are still in the very early stages of figuring out the American marketplace. ;~)

Seed 01-31-2008
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Welcome Sany!

Todd, If I had your money I would burn my pump! It truly is an International site! Meeting people from all over the world from a website. Incredible! Keep up the Good work and thanks a bunch!

Todd 01-31-2008
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lol thanks Seed, thanks for the kind words.

ruck 01-31-2008
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You have done a great job here.It\'s a great web site, Thank You for the great job. It should be a honer to be a sponsor on this web site.Welcome Sany.

Again Thank You


Todd 01-31-2008
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Thanks Ruck and thanks for welcoming Sany with me.

Bob 01-31-2008
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Sany will be a strong force in our industry. When they are up and running here the rules will change. These folks are not an underfunded \'wantabe\' they will be playing for keeps.

When their pump pressures out it automaticly goes into reverse. That is a major improvement over everyone elses system. Keep your eyes on Sany; they are an innovator.

OE Local 3 01-31-2008
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Welcome to concretepumping.com

from California


Mason 02-01-2008
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incredible, SANY moves so fast here in North America.