If you ordered a ConcretePumping.com Tshirt and now things are too tight its ok you dont have to buy it.
Todd 01-01-2009
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We have sent out about 50 of the 150 that were ordered.

If you are not working right now or times are two slow plesae dont feel like you have to buy your shirt. I dont mind keeping them and than just selling them as people want them. I know times are hard right now so its ok.

Now on ebay. http://stores.ebay.com/Concrete-Pump-Store

Or you can just call me and you can send a check.

Todd Bullis 805 659-3437

Todd 01-01-2009
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Todd 01-01-2009
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Todd 01-01-2009
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Todd 01-01-2009
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Todd 01-01-2009
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ruck 01-01-2009
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I just wanted to tell you everything worked out with Barebones.Order went great.Thank you to you and peter from Barebones


Todd 01-01-2009
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Todd 01-01-2009
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I did a little video for those who know whats up.

ConcretePumping.com if your not here your not in the industry.


Todd 01-02-2009
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44 shirts are getting sent out tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

Vasa 01-03-2009
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I am confused Todd , You try hard so that ALL operators should have A endhose without metal , 17´ from electricalwire , helmet and glases and so on....

But You ride  a bike without a helmet and in jeans ! You should go with a good example ! ;-)

( yes I ride My bike in shorts and t-shirt....)

Todd 01-03-2009
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LOL you are right Vasa. I should of put that no humans were hurt in this presentation and not to try this at home. It is illegal to ride even a bike with out a helmet in California let alone a Motorcycle. The Motorcycle is not mine, I barrowed it for the t-shirt shoot. I thought that if I put on a helmet it would mess up my hair, lol

TooTall 01-03-2009
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There's nothing like crossing the Idaho/Washington State line and losing the helmet on an east bound runn! Not to mention the speed limit jump from 60mph to 80! ...FREEDOM!..

Vasa 01-03-2009
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TT ,life starts at 100 !

38zman 01-05-2009
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Todd I sent you the draft to the address I had and it was returned can you email me the address again.


Why not stud those tires on your bike and come up here to ride....lol I wonder how long you will last in your T shirts....lol and nice T shirts I must say.....

Todd 01-05-2009
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Digital Insight

7763 Barstow St. Ventura California 93004

TooTall 01-05-2009
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Ah, it's not tooo bad. It sure wakes you up! Better than esspresso even. But takes a while to regain the feeling in your hands.

Vasa, life does start at 100! I lose about 10-15mph with her on the back. But as you can see it's well worth the sacrifice. Besides she starts wailing on me any faster than 80 or so!

Paint Master 01-05-2009
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Jedidiah 01-08-2009
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I looked @ your Ebay sale.  None of the sherts come with the sleeves cut off.  Can we get 'em like that?  they last longer if the shert already has them off - like this:


Todd 01-08-2009
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Sorry man but they have sleeves.

Kretch 01-09-2009
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I received the hat stickers a shirt yesterday.  Thank you, Todd, for getting them out so fast.  The shirts are very good quality and trust me, the pictures I have seen do them no justice.  I will be visiting several pumping companies this year and will be sure to pass out the stickers.  I will wear the shirt with pride.

Keep up the good work.

Todd 01-09-2009
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Thanks for the kind words and i am glad you like the shirt.