I'll go to Japan
custer 03-18-2011
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All bullshit aside. I know alot of folks read this site. To whom it may concern, I am willing to go to Japan and do whatever is asked as far as operating a pump to do my part for the the good of all of us. My name is Tom Brower, I live in No. Ca. Todd can put you in touch with me. Thanks

Todd 03-19-2011
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Well good thing for you my friend, the Japanese have many good Concrete Pump operators and if what I have been told is true you would have to get in a long line of Japanese that would gladly step up and serve their homeland.

Seed 03-19-2011
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Pay is great just a little short on life expectancy? Thank god for the men and women that have the courage to sacrifice themselves for mankind!

Dipstick 03-19-2011
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I think the japanese can handle their owne problems very well. They are very advanced and extreemly loyal.. Probably more then Europe and US. I'd safe your good efford for a country that realy needs it.


rusty22 03-19-2011
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I was watching CNN last night. Did anybody see the Concrete pump pumping water on the reactor? Didn't look like it could pump water to good.

custer 03-19-2011
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no, didnt see that rusty, what kinda pump?

Dipstick 03-19-2011
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Must be a cheap brand or worn parts.. I've read a story in Putz magazine where they use a concrete pump on a big fire in Germany. It was a scharp yard and it was already burning for days.. The fire department was very impressed about the volume of water it could pump. The water was delivered by mixertrucks.

They removed the endhose and replaced it for a 3'' reducer. Maybe that was the trick It should mannage 150/200m3 hour

It must be the solution I'd think. Put a camera on the boom.. They could even use several pumps filling up in each others hopper so they could make a safe working distance. take 4 60m pumps and you have a good distance and the remote should mannage 200+m ..

custer 03-19-2011
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they can guzzle water like i guzzle beer!

ladder 03-19-2011
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Actually Schwing makes a fire truck that is a concrete pump.  There is a few fire companies in NJ that have them

Here is the  Link to youtube   they are refered to as firebooms.


rusty22 03-19-2011
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custer It had a five section boom.Wasn't a puts, water would have come out.

pumpjockey 03-19-2011
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They likely supplied water from a low-volume, high-pressure pump, more suited for spraying distance. (2" firehose)

One report mentioned that they had set-up an 'unmanned' system that would operate for about 7 hours - likely their poor terminology for a concrete boom truck.

Add in the term 'concrete pump' and journalists get terribly confused, they equate concrete with sidewalks, and how could you possibly pump chunks of sidewalk? - now pumping cement, they might get. ;~)

Link to story: http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-japan-reactor-damage-20110319,0,6212176.story

custer 03-20-2011
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lmao Rusty22

Donald 03-23-2011
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So proud of you.Nature disaster comes, everybody is tied together.No difference between nation,color,religion.

custer 03-24-2011
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Kinda the way I see it Donald.