Kretch 09-11-2008
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My burning questions is:  Why is it the big companies harp about rates and then move in on the little guys and drop their pants with the customers on price?

I see where this is happening all over the country right now and it makes me sick to my stomach to see a big company pick up and move their equipment to another area and then prostitute another market.  This is keeping the rates low when equipment is very expensive.  Not to mention the costs of insurance and maintenance.  If they are going to encroach on others, why not do it on merit instead of price? 

These so called "BIG COMPANIES" should be leading the industry by example. 


Bob 09-11-2008
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Sad but true.

These so called "BIG COMPANIES" should be leading the industry by example.

 I think the example is survival

Seed 09-11-2008
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I have to laugh my A#@ off! I have been an owner op since 6-06. What I have learned in that short time is. First, It does not do anyone big or small any good to cut rates when there is no work. Second, If you are actually going to loose money on a job you are better off to keep it in the barn! I See it all the time pumps out for $550, LMAO. I look at it as them digging the hole deeper faster! Hell, I can't pump for $550! I don't make 25 bucks an hour, I don't pay insurance, comp ect! What do you think a big shots loose on a job for $550 ($300)? It really makes them look like a bunch of (#@%#!)! I just put front tires on my pump $1,400. I just ordered new boom pipe $3,000. I was at the Mack delearship yesterday $800. Does $550 really work? Perhaps we should hire an accountant! I have almost fell for the bait but the math does not make sense. I would not want to have to put tires, boom pipe and other parts on a fleet that has been under sold for a long time. You can reconize these companies when they show up with 30 feet of rubber because they don't have the 12 grand to re up! It is sad really! Perhaps the Government should step in and bail out the concrete pumping industry and set a base rate for a machine at $800. Now that would work! It is going to  be a long time before this is behind us!

Bob 09-11-2008
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Seed, You hit the jackpot!

If we can socialize wall street why not Pump Street? WHAT A PLAN! And they could give me $14,000,000.00 to walk away.

Seed for President!!!!!

Bob 09-11-2008
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Does that mean I don't get my 14 mill?

Kretch 09-18-2008
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I am glad to see some feed back on my topic.  Yes, I believe survival is part of the game.  Many are finding the residual values of their "Name Brand" pumps are falling as well.  Maybe we should call this...PANIC?  But there are a couple of "BIG" companies who have been throwing their weight around in good times as well as the bad.  Had they kept the prices up back then our present situation might not look so grim.  It is the "Muscle" aspect I am seeing.  They don't care about the small companies, never have, and never will.  And these big companies I am talking about are, 1: BIG NAMES in the ACPA, and 2: They are pump dealers.  Now how does all this add up?  Of course, if they can't get the "Bail Out" money from us tax payers, they can still walk away with their fat severance checks.  Right?

I am all in for the small guys. (Underdogs).  For those who are hanging in there, more power to you.  I hope to see you all survive this.  Band together with other small companies and fight with all you have.  And you guys who have already fallen to these cheap tricksters, my warmest regards go out to you and I hope to see you back again some time in the near future.

Bob 09-18-2008
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Have you ever played Monopoly?

It is usually obvious what the outcome of the game is going to be. For whatever reason, one guy gets some hotels on park place... thats your ass.

Same rules with pumping, banking, whatever.

Once the 400 pound monster is in your house he gets to sit wherever he wants.

Kretch 09-23-2008
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San but true.

Kretch 09-23-2008
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Guess I should proof read a little better before I hit the button.

I meant to say "Sad but True".