Indian Institute of technology Delhi Concrete Pumping
Todd 08-21-2008
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I love this, these guys do all this work and than post it to for everyone to see, hear and learn. I wish more people, companies and organizations had this type of attitude. Our industry needs more readily available information.

I just wanted to thank the Institute of Technology Delhi for their fine work and I hope to see more of it in the future.

Check out the video

Check out their web site


Todd 08-21-2008
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Let me know what you guys think of this work.



Bob 08-21-2008
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I live in the sticks, way out in the sticks.

My internet connection is a wire, run along the ground and leading up to a phone pole. Low speed, high drag.

No online video from here or to here

So... can't help.

Raymond 08-21-2008
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tebequip -

...I really don't know what approach to take for comment on it either.


But here's this:



Bob 08-21-2008
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So, what is the story?

Best ever, not so hot, really bad. Is it the un-safe poster vid? Three Stooges on how to pump?


WHO?? 08-21-2008
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Well... I have never really been known for "holding my tongue" so here goes...... It's just pretty,UHHH,LAME!! yeah thats the word.Sorry Todd,I hope not to offend any one.

TooTall 08-21-2008
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Their toll free # goes as follows... If you are lost&late please press 1... If you are plugged in the reducer please press 2...  If you think you've lost a pistonhead please press 3.....    If you are plugged in the boom and dont know quite where it is please hang up and dail 911!!!

Todd 08-21-2008
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I am not saying its the best work ever, i am just saying I love that they post it online. I think its good stuff for someone that does not know all this stuff already.

Raymond 08-21-2008
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I've always had this hunch that there is a class somewhere that all the general contractors take and then send all of their superintendents to:  a concrete pumping/placement/concrete mix design crash-course.

turning all of these hacks into know-it-alls, with barely enough grasp on each specific industry to be dangerous

It's a real hush-hush kinda one, not even the gov't knows about this crash-course...until now...I think you just found it, Todd. 


Raymond 08-21-2008
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; )

TooTall 08-21-2008
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 No disrespect, Some of the manufacturers should attend. I have recently communicated w/SANY staff, met a man who is" refiner as the boom controllers and fine operatings?" (He fine tunes proportional programing)this is word for word I had to write this down. "I was told he was aquired from "field jobs operatings."(they hired an operator) We've got lack of "comunicatings" between engineer and operator right here at home w/out a language barrier. Ive been asigned to americanize the translation. Watch gimme time and sany's will have a sticker the says... DUMBA$$! get off the hopper grate! or one for inspectors $ mixer guys......... " THIS PUMP-NO YOU!". Lets develop a Ego/attitude reduction program that that improves work ethic's and increases punctuality. That'd be revalutionary.  

Many 08-22-2008
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mmmm,some interesting comments so far.

Considering the fact these Asian/middlern east countries are just now emerging a good start.We have a family here that does engineering,concrete,design work,I only wished I could remember which country they are from.They are very smart,but language and culture being a challenge to us.In fact I still buy concrete from them out east,they have the same tech as the other plants but a willingness to work.

My Best

Mudslinger 08-22-2008
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Simply painful to watch! Try to make something idiot proof and the world invents a better idiot!