injury, to pump operator
finisher4700 03-27-2009
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Carrying 4" hoses, read the above message

KAL 03-27-2009
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Why would you want to carry 4" hose?

Would it not make more sense to pick one end up and roll the hose out to your pump, it may take a few minutes longer, less chance of injury.

I get paid by the HOUR, don't you?


ShortStik 03-27-2009
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Thats a big 10-4 KAL.  im in the business of staying in business, not breaking my back

TooTall 03-27-2009
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 4" full of mud, that's heavy. 4" empty hose, someone's outta shape or dont know how to carry. Probably both? If you cant pack an empty 4" hose you should drive a mixer. Oh nevermind, even mixercans have to lift chutes. Perhaps a shcool bus?