Interesting Find On The ACPA Site...
Raymond 03-13-2009
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Click the linky:

Todd, I don't understand why you allow the ACPA air time on your site.  They don't even have listed on their 'links to other important concrete  associations.'  The Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Institute is listed...???  One would think that this site would get an honerable mention.  The way you ( have to jump through hoops to post their information on this site blows me away.  This is the largest, most interactive concrete pumping site, yet it's not recognized by the ACPA.  I have a hunch as to why...I'm curious if anyone else shares the same thoughts on this.



ftworth58 03-13-2009
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I recommend this site all the time,because if you sit and read just the post alone you gain knowledge,yet with the ACPA it is just the basics of knowledge,this is where all the stories all the advice,from new to old hands can share and learn from each other,and can change an industry one post, one video,one comment at a time,and maybe prevent a accident on your next pour.

Bob 03-13-2009
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They are very concentrated on their membership whereas we [] are interested in the wellbeing and safety education of the entire concrete pumping industry.

All of the information on this site is free for the use of all, member and nonmember alike. I wish that the ACPA would make more of their fine safety material available to this site so that we could get it out in front of the pumping industry and their customers. The fact of the matter is that this is by far and away the most visited site dealing with issues related to pumping concrete and concrete pumps. We are not looking to supplant the ACPA. We are here to service the sponsors and members and any other visitors that want to know about concrete pumping.

If you are not here, you aren’t taking advantage of your best resource.

Todd 03-13-2009
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You have to give the ACPA some credit. They have over 500 paying members. You know how hard it is to get someone to pay to be a member. For me to be a member it cost me around $600.00 that is quite the accomplishment. The ACPA is one of the few organizations to put out safety information for out industry. The people who run the ACPA are voted for by the members. That means you can join and make a difference. Lets be honest people don’t like rules, people don’t like organizations who make rules. What I like about the ACPA is that there are enough people who are willing to step up and put there money and time into making our industry better. The ACPA is not perfect because it is run by people but it is moving in the right direction. I don’t always agree with the ACPA and I am glad that I can express were I don’t agree but just because I don’t agree does not mean that I think it is a bad organization. I know many of the members and I am telling you they are some good people. Yes I would like a few of them to go away but over all I wish the ACPA well. The ACPA has listed in its members area because I am a member. I think over all the ACPA is doing a good job.

Raymond 03-13-2009
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You paid $600 bucks...that's awesome!  FISH ON!!!  I hope a religous cult doesn't show up on your doorstep selling their could be well on your way to a secluded new life somewhere in Texas...LOL!!!

Todd, I understand you're in a position where you have to get along with everyone.

Let me give you some background:  Some years back, I worked for a small company that had no safety program.  They ran double-ended hoses with S-hooks and I hated it.  The owner of the company said: get me information that it's not allowed or unsafe and we'll change.  I showed him what it said on this site - he said: that's great, but I want to see a sanctioning body's stance on it... OSHA or ACPA. 

Oregon's OSHA law regarding concrete pumps and safety was/is this: A machine that pumps concrete. 

So, now on to the ACPA.  You know what kind of safety info I could get?  Not a Goddam thing without sighning up and becoming a member.

Safety info shouldn't cost money.  Ever.


Todd 03-13-2009
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Raymond, i agree safety info should be free. I could understand if the ACPA was broke but the ACPA has a ton of money and look for ways to spend it. I have voiced my views on this many times. I have asked the ACPA if I could post there videos and they have said no. The ACPA has even threatened to sue me.

I dont agree with them and I try to change it but so far no luck. One of our fans was passing out free 17' stickers at a ACPA safety meeting and he was told to put them away that the ACPA does not support

lol funny ha.


Bob 03-13-2009
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One of our fans was passing out free 17' stickers at a ACPA safety meeting and he was told to put them away that the ACPA does not support

That is BULLSHIT !!! You never told me that story.

Passing out 17ft stickers is not allowed?

Sounds like someone has








Todd 03-13-2009
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They have every right. I have some cool safety stickers and the guys all want them.