Invention of the year 2013
b-alto 08-23-2013
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HA HA, but really this is the best! I welded a concrete chisel to a pipe and use it to scrape the back and inside of the hopper. It works great. My hopper went from built up, to clean in one day.

Mister_Perkins 08-23-2013
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I made a 4 ft air chisel bit to attach to my air chisel similar to that. worked good until another operator took it off my rig

sgt580 08-23-2013
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I cut a chisel bit from our air chisel in half and welded the ends on a 5ft piece of #4rebar, it works awesome in the air chisel and reaches every nook and cranny of my hopper!

yard whore 08-23-2013
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Use a tarp and u wont need any of that crap. Js

Mister_Perkins 08-24-2013
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yeah good idea I heard a tarp INSIDE the hopper works pretty good

putzman1975 08-24-2013
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rookies.    LOL

Many 08-24-2013
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crete 08-24-2013
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will the hardened steel air tool chisel hold to mild rebar if welded properly?

b-alto 08-24-2013
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i'm not that particular to tarp my pump off three times a day.. Plus i like to walk up on deck to pump sometimes or check the water box. Putz who are you calling a Rooky? If your too smart to try new ideas, you must have known it all in the sixth grade..Terry this Home depot 8 dollar chistle welded fine so far it hasn't fallen off:) What also works nice especially on my line pump is a six inch putty knife for scraping the back board and hopper. My boom is too hard to reach plus my grate is bolted down.

Mister_Perkins 08-24-2013
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I used bar stock and welded a collar at the end using a washer that slid over the bar stock tight. then I notched and welded a flat piece at the end of the bar stock