It all makes sense now!
Seed 12-16-2008
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The longer I am in this business. I " totally understand " why my old boss (THE REAL OWNER) was such a miserable Pr#%!! (God love em!) It's a long way to the top if you want to pump your way there!


Bob 12-16-2008
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I think that if you can look at the guy in the mirror and smile you are at the top of the heap.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas

Seed 12-16-2008
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I still love it! What I find interesting is when I first went out on my own. It was exciting to have my own pump and all the neat stuff that goes with it. Now that I am into it a bit. I am realizing what being in the concrete pumping business really in tales. I laugh when I recall a few things my old boss said to me on my last day. He said Allen, Don't think it is all new trucks and Mercedes. He told me he worked for years for nothing! ( I believe it ) Then he told me Don't forget, the most important thing is that girl you go to sleep beside every night. Stuff over the years like, You got to take risks or balls of steel! Man that guy was funny! Hell Some one has to pump the concrete it might as well be me!


Seed 12-16-2008
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July 06. It has been short but things have been fine! We will be in business in the spring! That is not much comfort but it is nice to know and from my perspective I find it an allwright place to be. Winter is slow here. I expect it to be slow at least until July?  

CretePumper 12-17-2008
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I hear ya Seed, I have also recently took the leap from Operator to Owner/Operator, and indeed " It ain't all new Trucks and Mercedes ". Now that winter is upon us and the present and future economy ain't looking too good, I will be taking advantage of this slow time to re-calibrate and shift the gears towards a completely different economy. This is the first Winter I will weather on my own, as well as the first time operating a business heading into a recession or possibly a depression. I'll admit it I am very, very nervous about the coming days, now is not the time to be complacent if anytime, I will find the niche' I know there will be one somewhere, there always is. There is a quote I heard awhile back, that seems to play on me daily, especially lately : “When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure” Merry Christmas to all !

My2cents 12-17-2008
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Always have the eye of the tiger, and be a man of the claw. A WINNER NEVER quits, and a Quitter NEVER wins!!!!


A very wise man taught me that many moons ago.

TooTall 12-18-2008
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It has to make sense before it makes Dollars.

The ones look'n at the new trucks & mercedes, their Dollars exceeded their sense and they'll soon part with both...

Has anyone ever told you that you're growing from a Seed to a Tree? 

Seed 12-18-2008
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LMAO Too Tall!

      I am the