just curious...
DeReK 03-19-2009
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how many operators out there actually take off tip hose and reducer and suck your sponge back with boom standing straight up? i personally use a 5-4 reducing hose, suck back sponge through hose in A frame, in 7 stokes it is back. i have a bucket with about 4 gallons of water in it, stick my hose in that and take another 5 strokes in reverse to wash out hose and tip 90's, never had a problem.

PUMBO 03-19-2009
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Always remove end hose. 2 hard sponges with water in between them. Though never lifted boom up unless caught with a hot last load, or 40mpa dry slump or piston cups on the way out. Never had a problem priming.

Drew AUS 03-20-2009
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I usualy suck a ball back then blow one with water, it probably a bit weird but i like it i know my piple is spakly clean lol, the only time i cant suck back is when the boom is in Z , but i can usualy get around it by stretching the boom flat with stage 6 pointing down a liitle, i dont like blowing out in Z , takes a lot of pressure to get it up and down all those stages!

dumpaa 03-20-2009
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I take the ruducer off and a frame the boom. but roll #4 section level with the ground.have this over sized sponge about nine inches around put a half pail of water down the pipe, then sponge, push it in past elbows,then fill with water to top of elbow. suck it back nice and slow those pipes are sparkiling clean every time.

typesdubs 03-20-2009
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A frame the boom, suck one sponge back nice and slow. 28-58 meter. Like above if I have trouble I will stick the boom up in the air but don't not remove my 5" hose.

kneerick 03-20-2009
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I take mine off every time and put water in the tip 90 before I suck my ball back


bigboom 03-21-2009
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I water wash and then suck a ball back. You dont have to worry about cotting your ball either

ItAllGoesBoom 03-22-2009
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I do the same as knee.... Pull the reducer and use water at the 90's. Always pull your reducer off. Sucking a sponge back through a reducer can wad the sponge a bit and leave some slurry to build up.