just some picture's
bri 06-10-2008
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damn no wood under thr riggers scary stuff

OE Local 3 06-10-2008
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keep them coming Cat....nice pics . My camera took a crap on me today...Glad I paid a little extra for the extended warranty . Hows the weather out there?

I have to say though ,I think the crew will be on you about dunnage. Be Safe


Raymond 06-10-2008
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Cool shots...

Euro chassis are so different...our 63m, 61m PM's roll on 7 axle chassis.  It's rubber from one end to the other...with 5 out of 7 axles that steer.

OE Local 3 06-11-2008
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Like Ray Said about the 63's out here lot 'o' axles. I like your machine , its sharp! the Stick probably runs like a dream. love the photos too. Can we get a couple of close ups of her like the hopper, cab, etc.? If you get a chance.


Bob 06-11-2008
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Crawler (track) cranes distribute the down force by the dimension of the contact area of the track.

No American 63m operator that I know or heard about would ever boom over one of those pads with out proper dunnage. Contact the factory and listen to what they have to say about this issue. Meanwhile, don't stand under your boom.

You are living dangerously and forcing your co-workers to live that way as well.

local18 06-11-2008
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Cat cool pictures, like 3 says your cab and chassis are so much different than what i'm use to seeing. By the looks of things you will be pumping alot of concrete on that jobsite.

The Cat 06-12-2008
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picture's and message taken off here after been called a unsafe opperator when i'm not....some body ( bob )does'nt know the spec's of pump's yet knock's opperator's without finding this info out...

Bob 06-12-2008
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The Cat

It has nothing to do with the pump specs other than the downward pressure exerted through the outrigger to the soil.

That number is on a decal on your outrigger.

The discussion is (or should be understood to be) about the capability of the soil to accept that pressure. The soils ability to do that job is not an assumption; it is an engineered number that is obtained through testing. The results of those test are available in chart form in your factory supplied safety manual and are available from the ACPA. 63m serial 1 & 2 belong to a company here in Atlanta, they own three. I have spent a lot of time with those units; but that really isn't the point. The issue is the soil.

greedy 06-12-2008
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 shame nice pictures nice pump!!

Bob 06-12-2008
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Here is a link to a PDF. It is an ACPA publication that deals with setting-up. The soil loading chart may be found on page # 10 of 12 on pdf page counter. I hope that this helps.


Vasa 06-13-2008
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The Cat , I think the pic shows a good groundcondition , I dont know how thick the gravel was , it looked liked 0-150mm rocksize , probably 120-150cm thick and compacted and some groundcloth ( I dont know the English term)  between the soil and rock . And You do probably do as I do 1: I check if the pad are sinking some when i start to set up and if the dont you  2: unfold the boom and stretch it out and turn it ower the suportleg and check if the pad are sinking and if it not you start to pump !

To Me it looked safe ! I work with a English man that have had Pochin pumped for him many time BTW


The Cat 06-16-2008
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Thank's for the comments vasa....we seem to be working in the same way here as well as over there....