boompumper 07-06-2010
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First off i want to thank all who have helped me throught all im going through!! thank you boompumper for leting me do this since i cant do this myself.  I was read a artical the outher day when i called a dear friend of mine.  so let me tell you all a little about your good intentions on safty!!!! IF YOU WERE SO HIGHT AND MIGHTY ON SAFTY YOU WOULDNT HAVE EVER ROLED THAT PUMP OUT OF THE YARD!!!!!!!  I was the same way! so HAMMER. and to all my fellow operators and friends. let me tell you what could happen to you!  your boom could brake hit a finisher in the head. six months later he dies! the police come to your house and place you under arest for negligent homiside!! in front of your wife and children!!  you spend your life saveings on atturny fees!!! YOU GET FOUND GUILTY BECOSE YOU KNEW YOUR BOOM WAS PLACED OUT OF SERVICE FOR SAFTY REASONS!!!!  YOU GET SENTINCED TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON!!!!!  THATS TEN YEARS WITHOUT YOUR WIFE YOUR CHILDREN!!  NOT TO MENTION WHOS GOINGTO HIRE A MAN WHO JUST GOT OUT OF PRISON TO RUN A PUMP WHEN THATS WHAT GOT HIM THERE.  SO PLEASE HAMMER!!! AND ALL MY FELLOW OPERATORS LEARN FROM A MISTAKE MADE BY....(HAMMER SORRY DONT MEAN TO BE PICKING ON YOU BUT YOU SEE I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU OR ENYBODY ELSE TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS!!)  OH YA A MISTAKE MADE BY ME!!!!!.  I WROTE THIS DOWN AND ASKED BOOMPUMPER TO POST IT FOR ME..   i wont write what the rest of his letter says but i think you all get his drift. he is a verry dear friend to me and ill post anything he wants me to.!!  i thank you all for leting me post his words! 

"THE HAMMER" 07-06-2010
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Just to let everyone know, sorry I forgot to mention this in my other post, I didnt know it was taken out of service until I got on the job.  I knew the cracks were there before leaving the yard.  The engineer went out to the job with me, and when we arrived on the job, thats when I was informed by my salesman that the engineer got an email from the manufacturer, stating that this particular boom had indeed been shut down.  Thanks for the kind words.  Now I can take this straight to my boss and show him exactly what happens to operators, NOT bosses, when stuff like this happens.

schwing58 07-06-2010
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Thats sad for him... Of course you would have to live in the US to get such a punnishment for this. But it makes me think. Thanks for posting this.

boompumper 07-06-2010
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its not the happyest ending but hey the truth never is. its not just in the us that you would get such a harsh punishment. he is my friend and a good one at that but he knows that i personaly feel that the operator is just as liable as anyone alse if they run a unit with safty issues and some gets hurt or killed.

schwing58 07-07-2010
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Well.. there is indeed a difference to the US and for example europe. I won't say any names but I just got to know about the end result of an acident in one of the scandinavian coutrys. (where the punishments are usualy more severe compared to the rest of western europe)

It was a Mixer pump that was set up short rigged and way to close to a steep side of a road. The pump tiped over killing one man.  The companie that owns the pump has to pay about 50.000 dolars to the family of the man that was killed. THAT'S IT. The operator walks away free man....

I am not saying this is good but 10 years for your friend I find insane.. What about his boss? What did he get? He could have just told his employee not to go out but he didn't!? I find him much more responsible..(or did he own the pump himself?)

Its not just him that gets punished. Think about his wife and childeren that have to grow up without their dady..

schwing58 07-08-2010
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Did his boss get any punnishmet? Sorry for asking again but i'm just realy wondering ...