just starting out
new2pumpin 03-10-2006
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I am just starting a pumping business I have some questions on where the best place to advertise is. I have 500 business cards i am going to hand out to local contractors in the sacramento, roseville california area any other ideas. I am also thinking of hiring someone to run the pump for me at times what is a fair hourly wage for someone running a line pump. Its a thirty yard an hour 1 inch minus rock pump.

pmeister 03-11-2006
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Talk to ready mix plants and inform them about your new company. I know down here in the bay area I pay my operators $18-22 an hour. It all depends on there experience

new2pumpin 03-11-2006
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Thank you guys for the advice. I started thinking about being a pumpman when i was driving mixers for a small company in roseville, ca. It was talking to guys like your selves as we set up and pumped that made me want to get in this business. I appreciate your help.

Pumper 03-20-2006
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Great Advice Guys I am starting a small line pump company when I get back from Afghanistan in july and I will use this advice!Jeff

Marcus 03-20-2006
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Give us an email when your ready we can help you with Marketing materials and some quotation forms and ideas; we have a section in our training for The New Owners of Pumps. Sincerely,MarcusOperationsThe Operator Training Centeroperations@operatortrainingcenter.com