Justification for resurgence in unionism
Bob 10-09-2007
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If you believe that this does not affect you then you are probably in your mid twentys, single and have no thought for your future. This is something that is important to all "working people".

Study: Tax cap could mean the end of employment-based health benefits

Proposals to change the tax treatment of health insurance could mean the end of employment-based coverage as it now exists in the United States, according to a study released by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

Of the various options to change the way health benefits are taxed, the EBRI report identifies the proposed “tax cap” on the health insurance exclusion that workers currently receive as most likely to cause the end of employment-based health benefits. This change would be likely to prompt younger and healthier workers to drop out of the employment-based system, causing adverse selection in the remaining pool of older and less healthy workers, thereby resulting in a so-called “death spiral” that makes employment-based group health insurance unsustainable.

Currently, employers can deduct the cost of health insurance coverage they provide to their workers as
a business expense, and the value of the health insurance coverage workers receive from their employers is excluded from their taxable income.

Bob 10-09-2007
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I am not advocating unionism per se but rather some form of (group) benefit. As it is; unions are the only viable means of gathering for common benefit.

Todays unions need to address the individual interest of its membership. More "Hurrah for us" than has been demonstrated in some of the past dealing that selected union leadership has had for the members.

A 'Union" = A joining together  ;~)

Bob 10-09-2007
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The following is an email that I received in reference to this post. I will leave the name of the respondent blank.


You have got to be insane.  The answer to health care is to get rid of  the 
government.  Senator Ted Kennedy started the problems when he came out  with 
HMO's which  did not work and now we have PPO's which do not  work.
Go back to the days when you went to the doctor and either paid or  made 
arrangements to pay and only had insurance for major problems.
Unions do nothing but steal the money and benefits.  Have you ever  talked 
with anyone that was in the Ft Lauderale Fl Union?
Right now one of the biggest Operating Engineers Locals is 101 in Kansas  
City, they are only 77% funded, if it goes down anymore they will have some  
problems and the first thing to go will the retiree health benefits, next will  be 
a reduction in retiree payments.  You don't think this will happen then  look 
at the unions in Nebraska when they cut the retiree funds of their  employees 
and of course the famous florida unions.
Have you ever worked for a union company where you had access to the  books?  
Most are going broke because the payroll and union costs are 40-50%  of their 
income.  Look at where you work right now and ask your boss if he  would be 
in business if he had to pay 40-50% in payroll and union benefits as  well as 
matching FICA, Medicare etc.  That is why all the union pump  companies in 
Florida went broke.  That is whay the left LA, MS, TN, OK,  ARK, and on and on.  
What you have realize and know for a fact is that Unions are a business  
desigend and set up for the people that run them.  They do not care a wit  about 
the members.  If they did then why do then support democratic  candidates when 
most of the their members have core conservative values.   It is not because 
of the political stand on issues.  One of the largest Non  Union Companies in 
the world for years was Brown and Root owned by Lady Bird  Johnson - a 
Democrat.  Look at all the major construction companies that  are union and find one 
that is owned by a democrat!   Bill Clinton  used non union contractors to 
build his Presidential Library.  He is the  first and only president to ever do 
so.  Why did he get away with it.   MONEY - FOLLOW THE MONEY!
You want to put yourself out of job then push the union  idea!

Derputzmeister 10-10-2007
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Bob, I agree with the emailer.  Insurance companies are destroying the medical system.  Going to the doctor used to be like taking your dog to the veterinarian.  It is easy, readily available, complete, instant, hassle free...AND AFFORDABLE.  When insurance companies got involved it became big business.  However, now that MONEY is involved, unions are involved to look out after those without med coverage.  Union can speak with the power of one voice for many. It is darn if you do and darn if ya don't.  Think med coverage is expensive now, just wait, if a certain political party wins the coming election, nobody will be able to afford insurance....not even the union big bosses, or you and I.  It is truly a mess.

Bob 10-10-2007
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I agree with you for the most part.

I do not think that it makes much difference who it is that 'wins' the next election; both parties are beholden to the insurance and health care industries. The problem gets more screwed-up as time goes on no matter who is in charge. No matter who or what caused this mess; it is the mess that we have. As usual we can work to fix the blame or work to fix the problem.

I have faced the reality that I am 60 years old and I am not faced with the reality of having to raise children that require periodic medical care. Most of you are faced with that second reality. What I am trying to point out is not the obvious problem but the fact that a solution is needed; and very soon if the tax situation as to employer contributions changes. Your children must have the care available to them. It would be nice, for both them and you, if that care did not put you in the poor house... OOPS, I forgot, there aren't poor houses any more.

pudg 10-10-2007
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