Leaving UsedConcretePumps.com
Fred The Pump Guy 04-11-2009
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Leaving UsedConcretePumps.com
After seven challenging, successful, and mostly happy years, last week I decided to move on to something new.  I can't say thank you enough to all of you who have supported my efforts with UsedConcretePumps.com.   It is ironic that Les Ainsworth's Pumpco announced it was closing out last week.  I began working in the pumping industry, at Pumpco, 33 years ago this Spring.
So what to do next.  My wife Karla is very well employed with excellent job security and she has encouraged me to consider retirement. She insisted I consider what I really want to do, and I did.
I love this industry and nearly all the people in it are really good people.  Even after 30 years of selling used pumps I still find it exciting and challenging.  I can't imagine not doing it.
So, very soon, I will be launching a new website.  Surprisingly, it will be called "Fred's Used Concrete Pumps.com.  Yes, it is trite, but I have to bow to the Gods of the Search Engines and my recognition in the industry.  I hope to earn your support in this new endeavor.   I will maintain the same 800 number but notice the new, temporary, email address. eaglepumps@cebridge.net.
My special thanks to Todd.  We started the website on a phone conversation and a simple, verbal agreement and it has worked very well.  Very few partnerships last that long, fewer still end on friendly terms.  I am leaving his website but not his friendship. It has been a blessing. 
Again, Thanks to all,
Fred, The Pump Guy

bri 04-11-2009
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good luck Fred!

Todd 04-11-2009
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I will miss you for sure Fred. I think Fred is one of the most stand up guys i have ever met. It has been great working with you.

UsedConcretePumps.com will continue under new management.

eugene 04-11-2009
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good timing while there is plenty of inventory to go around for resale.

Many 04-11-2009
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Fred,your just to dang old to retire

Roy Adams

Todd 04-11-2009
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I think Fred is like Bob Weatherton, they will be here for another 70 years.

b-alto 04-11-2009
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Fred is a good guy. I remember when I bought my first boom pump and called him the night before the first pump job. I had no help or experience he must have spend an hour on the phone telling me how to prime and set up.

Fred The Pump Guy 04-11-2009
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Roy, Great to know you are still around.  I still remember being with you, doing something for Pumpco on I70 up near the tunnel, I think. What are you doing now?


Many 04-11-2009
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quite pumping and like everyone else starving.Yeah,we did many things together over the years.As always you have been in my mind,even this long



ruck 04-11-2009
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I did not know you at all. But you will be missed around here. A friend on here and a friend to must is a friend to all.I hope that made sense.I hope great things for you and your wife.


Todd 04-11-2009
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Fred will not be leaving the ConcretePumping.com he is just starting his own web site. Its a good thing. Fred Rocks.

Many 04-12-2009
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Folks,I have never met a man as honest and loyal to this industry as Fred.I remember what our former employer put him through,he's a champ.

The case,Colorado Spring inside NORAD.A 465 thompson,a really green operator (me),600' of 5" and a straightleg onto deck.The mix was a lightweight designed by the professor on Gilligans island,the head of region Corps of engineers (milo) onsite,then the phone call to his office.

Hey Fred,this thompson just gave up the ghost.What happened? I got the grout out and about a wheelbarrow of mud and the pump just said "congrat's you now have 60 fence posts" uh,uh,uh,I will get with Les and be back in touch.What I would have done to be a fly on the wall that day.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent.I can't remember who was in office then,Gerald Ford?

Telealbelt 04-12-2009
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Hey Fred

        How can I convert my pump trucks into garbage packers?  Need any used pumps for parts?

TooTall 04-12-2009
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 Todd be better put a link up for Fred when he gets up and running? Getting all these parked and idle pumps back to work is in the best interest of all of us?

dick tracy 04-14-2009
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So you gonna get him (Fred) to create demand for pumps just cause?

Give me a break...So who was it that lost DR Horton.. To Tall? The Green Machines?

I want to say SFW (figure it out) what goes around comes around....Hope they got a lot more in store for ya!

Manufactures whores or wars...symantics...spelling and pronunciation... you know.