Lets pull together to help this family out.
Todd 06-03-2007
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Lets help him out.


Brandon Son is sick and I think this industry can help out.




Here is the link to what is going on. Please watch the video. Brandon is asking us for prayer and we are doing that but we can help out by helping them with their bills alls.


ConcretePumping.com is sending them a check for $500.00 and hoping that everyone in this industry will do what they can. $25.00 to 10k please lets help out this family.


Here is how it will work. I will get his address and anyone that helps him in anyway will get on the I helped Wesley web page that I am working on. I would be so proud to have your Company name and your name next to mine in helping these guys out. I should have all the info up by late Monday.


Thanks again and lets pull together to help this family out.

Many 06-03-2007
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Todd,are you planning to something with plastic,paypal,ck-mo?.

MidnightRider 06-04-2007
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Maybe Brandon should get a paypal account, dont think it cost anything, make donations easier and faster, plus he could transfer the funds directley to his bank account nice and quick.