lighten up..
murf 02-07-2009
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 Try to forget all the arguments over work and rates, and lighten up....

1000 immigrants were asked if they thought that the U.S. should replace the the national currency, 99% responded and said that no they were happy with the social security pay check.

any more???

TooTall 02-07-2009
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Thanks, That was enlightening.

tebequip 02-07-2009
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Thanks Murf. I guess the big time bonus's to the bank execs is not the only thing to worry about in the stimulus.

Sidetracking 02-09-2009
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If not for those hungry people who would do all the necessary hard work that you lazy a///holes won't do.   Or are you ready to pick it up a little bit.  Think about the late 60's or70's we wished someone would help us with the 1000' of line,  oh back then it was only 4" thank god. We didn"t have 12' hoses they were 25' and all you new guys in the last 15 years welcome to the club.  Quit your bitchin if you can't hang with the big dogs wait your turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

murf 02-10-2009
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awwwww now ur makin me homesick for me 750 thomsen with its 180 boom all sat on a bedford tk.......