Local 612 in Tacoma
TRKDOC 04-02-2010
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I stopped by the hall today. Off work on account of Good Friday! Met the new dispatcher named Todd. Very helpful guy, as was Charlie who was the previous man in that position, but is no longer there. Paid my monthly fee to stay on the out-of-work list there and bought a couple of tee shirts! Not looking good for getting called to work on concrete pumps any time soon I'm afraid. I am hopeful cause that's the kind of guy I am, but it sure seems like things are on a downward spiral economically. It will take an act of GOD...and guts to pull this one out I'm thinking! Have a great weekend!

BIG PAPA PUMP 04-03-2010
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I feel ya brutha.  I run out of the 612 aswell.  It's ugly, and in my humble opinion it hasn't hit bottom yet.  Stay strong and optomistic.

bigstick 04-03-2010
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I thought all you union guys voted in favor of the current administration?  At least we all got free healthcare.  No jobs, but free healthcare.  Oh thats right, we pay taxes, we dont get free healthcare, we just have to pay for it.

TooTall 04-04-2010
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Just like it took longer to hit the NW than other areas. It will longer for things to pick up here in the NW as well. 

Moe 04-05-2010
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Not ALL of them!!!!

Red Hand84 04-05-2010
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28 years as an Operating Engineer.Voted Republican ALWAYS will.We dont need any more "Big Brothers" chiselling away at our constitutional rights and raising our taxes,so they can give it away to ILLEGAL ALIENS and lazy people "working the system".  Moe,,,,is this what you had in mind????

TRKDOC 04-06-2010
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Good to see you on here red hand! You know, I did see some stickers in their supply room that said "vote Obama" on them.....I don't know anything about all unions voting democratic. That is a subject I generally stay far away from! You know....politics. I agree that the current plan is, well, flawed. Oops, I have given away my political preference! Merli Vegas rocks! Say hello for me will you Redhand?

Moe 06-16-2010
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YES! That is EXACTLY what I had in mind!!!!! -Moe