custer | 03-10-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
Where can I find info,(stats on ) incidents/ injuries that involved hose whipping either due to air or debrie in delivery line, that resulted in lawsuits. And the info im interested in is whos pockets got hit harder, readymix co., pump co., contractors, ect. Example !00,ooo.00 paid outin suit r/m co. paid 50,000 pump co. pd 30,ooo contractor pd. 20,000 Who keeps those stats? Ive tried the ins. co that advertieses on hear and they said check with manufacurers Why would one manuf. have stats on an industry wide issue I would be interested in general #s not pointing to any co. in particular, just financial type stats. Thanks |
Safety Mike | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hi Custer For civil damage claims, I'm not certain how it works in the USA, but for the UK, that type of info would be difficult to get hold of - mainly because it would be different insurance companies involved (and they keeps things close to their chest!), and also that the courts would not necessrily provide the depth of information required. Also, the majority of the lawsuits are settled out of court, and the details of these are often kept guarded by the parties involved. A good starting source for the number of incidents/ prosecutions would be via the OHSA - they may well have summary information on number of incidents, penalties/ fines, and the like - however they probably would not have details of the civil lawsuits that would follow. In respect of responsibility - each incident needs to be looked at in isolation - there can be contributing factors that 'sway' the law in different directions, and therefore change the percentage contribution to damages/ costs. Good luck...... |
custer | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
thanks Mike Ill look @ O.S.H.A, just like to put a $ figure to the problem. |
Todd | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I dont know anyone who has that info. |
truckshow | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
this is what I have seen in the past....regarding hose whipping - Contractor, never sees a fine/lawsuit - Ready Mix Company, possible sharing of a settlement, if YOU can provide the debris, ie- fin fish, whatever plugged and released....And your company's law firm is kick @ss.... -US, it's always going to fall on us as the middle man, right....this is never going to change... Education, Safety and Hazard Analysis is what needs to change in our industry..... |
truckshow | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
update us once you speak with OSHA, would love to hear what they have to say....
Bob | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Many times part of the settlement is a non-disclosure agreement as to the $$$. There is a large percent of civil damage awards that never see a court room. A settlement is agreed upon and that is that About your question as to who takes the BIG hit, it is the pump company - by far |
highpressure | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
the information (data) you are requesting would be very hard to come by. Why would anyone give out the information? Accident attorneys might have a field day with it...and start targeting the industry if the numbers look ripe. However, OSHA, provides online resources to search incidents by SIC, keyword, abstract, etc. dating back several years.It describes the incident only. |
TooTall | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Good luck custer, That info is usually confidential or hush hush and many cases are settled out of court to keep it that way. The only info available to the public might be civil judgements that sometimes take several years to pan out? |
eugene | 03-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
never goes to court, it will get postponed until settlement where everyone gets to lose but the attorneys ha ha |