Looking for a used Schwing Trailer Pump (500 or 750)
Rhino 03-16-2010
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Does anyone know where I can find Schwing line pumps that have been repo'd or are selling for a smoking deal?  I don't want to tick anyone off, but like most business owners, I'm looking for a deal, so that I can expand my business.  I know that there are a lot of great pumps being sold by reputable pump company's looking for the top dollar.  That's fair, and they're just trying to do right by their business and I'm trying to do the same...  I'm looking for a Schwing 500 or 750.  I know that there are other great brand names out there, but I already own Schwing's, and therefore want to stay with them as it's easier for training purposes.  Thank you!

Todd 03-16-2010
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Did you see this? http://www.boompumps.com/2000-Schwing-75015X-professionally-mounted-on-a-2000-Ford-F550,name,141,auction_id,auction_details


Rhino 03-17-2010
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Yes I did come across this one.  My preference is to have a trailer pump, I guess because if the truck has a mechanical break down, then I could hook up any truck to it and not stop working.  Thanks though.

beau44 03-18-2010
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Where are you located?

Rhino 03-19-2010
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Western Canada

beau44 03-23-2010
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My advice would be find your local dealer...that way you get service, parts etc and you know you have a reliable machine, I've heard of people getting burned on used units from joe blow