Mack Truck Problems, Failures and Repair issues.
Todd 12-18-2013
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For our industry and our company, I am very concerned about the failures we are hearing about with Mack trucks being used for mounting concrete pumpers, and the failures with the engines.

Since our industry will not touch this…

Please send us the failures that you have experienced since taking delivery of your equipment due to exhaust treatment failures in your Mack engines.

We in turn will complete a list and see what input our industry can have getting this resolved..

Let’s see if we can all help our industry.

Truck Year Truck Model Pump Year Pump Model Pump Manufacturer


Mack Dealer City, State Telephone


Problem Description




Was it resolved?



Was it covered under warranty? Who Paid? Est cost?






What did the Pump Manufacture do to resolve the problem?

Please your form to Richard O'brien at

Doug 12-18-2013
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One solution.......

Dipstick 12-18-2013
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What if you all would agree on 1 european brand for pumps. Then that manf could set up some kind of service network in the US. My thought goes to Mercedes. Although its not my favourite brand I'm sure it should be heaven for you guys overthere. Most people find it the strongest most solide truck for a pump and very comfortable. I think merc because I see a lot of mercs normal cars overthere so maybe they could set up a truck devision. Besides both schwing and putz realy like to build their pumps on mercs.

These MACK guys are just fckn you because they know most of you will take a MACK anyway. Time for a change Wink

gboom 12-18-2013
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Mercedes already has a dealer network, since they own Freightliner and Western Star, so does Volvo and DAF Trucks (through Paccar/KW). The ground work is layed, not sure why they have not entered our market with their cab overs in the US.

cbconcretepumper 12-18-2013
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Many many many "electrical malfunctions"/// an annoying orange light that never seems to get fixed even after you take it to a Mack dealer

DIGGER 12-18-2013
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We fit most booms on DAF cab/chassis ... more powerful diesels, good support.

Dipstick 12-19-2013
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Ok than. Any German or swedish brand is ok as long as you have some kind of service network. (not that you will need it so much but just in case Wink) I think it would also extend the marked for used american pumps to europe. Now its not an option for us here to buy a US pump with a MACK chassis. But it looks like you guys take more care of your pumps so if they would all be mounted on a european truck it would be very interesting for europeans to buy used pumps from the US..

Hey that way we could help each other. If the economy is bad over there we buy the pumps from you and when its bad here you buy them back Cool

Dipstick 12-19-2013
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O yes DAF is ofcourse DUTCH. Thats also OK Wink

dlee7729 12-20-2013
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My orange light " anti lock " burned out.

Todd 12-22-2013
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December 17, 2013

Dear Fellow Pumpers:  


It seems like we are getting attention from Mack trucks, Ray Hastings, Director of National Accounts assured me yesterday that they will set up a hot line specific for the concrete pumping industry to handle any problems that exist, and will make sure it is corrected.


In addition, he will direct Joe Billy to go out to all users of new Mack trucks that are being put into service, and make sure that all the components on the units are correct and adjusted accordingly and working 100% before being accepted for use.


Any truck failure that you are aware of, please send the information to us and he will make sure it is corrected.


Looks like we are off to a good start please send your information of failures and we will forward this on, including the dedicated concrete pump line for our industry.


If you cannot complete the form attach, please contact me and I will send you one direct. Also, our fax number is 303-733-8345.


Thank you.


Richard O'Brien


Survey Form attached - Excel

Doug 12-24-2013
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Another Solution......

Todd 12-29-2013
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I considered jumping into your thread about Mack and decided to keep out. I decided, instead, to pass along my personal opinion.
I have nothing invested in Mack, but I think you are way out on a limb here. ALL manufacturers are having problems and ALL manufacturers have dealers that range from good to terrible. The only reason we see more Mack complaints is there is such a high percentage of Macks in the industry.
Back in the 70's, we mounted pumps on everything; Fords, GMC, International and the like, but not very many Macks. Macks were "too expensive." Our cost per yard was higher for the trucks than it was for the pump units. Why? Because operators are not really trained as drivers. They also have the attitude, "get it done however possible." The result was broken drive shafts, sheared axles, rear-end failures and cooked clutches. Wrecker bills were horrendous.
Then the trend shifted to Mack, and the maintenance costs went way down. Mack dominated the industry. Even hammer-handed, clutch-jerking operators (self included) couldn't break them.
Sometime in the late 80's or early 90's, some customers tried Freightliner, Kenworth and Peterbuilt, to name a few. A lot of this happened on the West Coast, where Mack didn't have very good dealer representation. This was a very short-lived trial, as these "Road Kings" just wouldn't stand up to off-road use and abusive operators. Mack again dominated.
Now the new regulations have all manufacturers playing catch-up. The game changes on a daily basis, but we still have the same type of operators that think they can climb trees and go mud bogging. I can tell, by some of the posts, that they haven't read the Mack manuals and have no real knowledge of fault codes or re-gens, forced or parked. Many are getting their education from posts that are speculative and uninformed.
I realize some dealers are little help. Call 3 and you will get 3 different answers about parked re-gens. Mack doesn't have the market cornered on misinformed dealers, but they DO have a support network that works.
Every so often, we get together with Mack factory reps to discuss the changes to the systems. Invariably, things that were true last year have changed. Something that works for an operator on his 2012 might be totally different on a 2013.
I don't have a pony in this race. If I did, however, after having my head examined, decide to put a half million investment in a pump/belt, I'd put it on a proven truck. I certainly would not base my decision on comments that, "they ride too rough," or "no way to take a nap."
I predict any crossover to non-Mack will be short lived. History will repeat. My advice to the industry is "Caveat Emptor."

Todd 12-29-2013
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The above post was sent to me and I asked him if I could post it and he said yes.

Dipstick 12-30-2013
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Well if the world ended at the USA boarder this might be true.. But I think I will pull out of this discusion. Not realy my problem. 110% sure I will never have to drive a MACK here in europe. Never ever seen 1. (Maybe that says something?)

Doug 12-30-2013
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Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

gboom 12-31-2013
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do you know of similar problems with European manufacturers? Is there a truck, that youwould not mout a pump on? I am aware that every piece of machinery is subject to failure, but i think that some manufacturers (and with that i mean European manufacturers) have figured out what works and what doesnt. I mentioned this before, the exhaust regen has been around in Europe for a while

Dipstick 12-31-2013
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I would not mount my pump on IVECO for exsample. Let me tell you what I would mount it on. For me its MAN, Mercedes, Scania, Volvo and DAF. In that order..  Stay away from anything else!!

Many 12-31-2013
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Yes they used to make tough trucks,and then today "yiks"

dcrider182 12-31-2013
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Oh ya Mack is great no cup holder till when?? Your friend is right TODD. Slavery was the norm once upon a time so why get away from it?? Mack has never ever cared about who drives their truck only who owns it.  Mack has failed to adapt to the new market of building a respectable truck people would be proud to drive. A 2005 63 meter had the same cab as a 1989 mack. Last time I checked no person works hard for the American dream to go buy a brand new 15 yr old design pick up. They are Faiing now because they have never  changed. People want to be proud of what they drive as well as who they work for and Mack is not cutting it. People and owners are screaming for a change. That is why people stray to other brands. The sad part it No other brand has come forth and stepped up. Not one American bran and not one European brand, but the door is wide open and people in this industry are waiting!!

Todd 01-01-2014
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I am just glad that we as an industry are at least talking about Mack, it is about time. I think the Concrete Pumping industry is the train who does not think he can, I believe we as an industry can do more to drive our products and direction. 

SUPERDOFFER 01-02-2014
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Reading the reaction of somebody saying history repeat remains me to a British truck factory Named Bedford.

In the 60’s and 70’s they had the model TK that was very success  full, it was cheap it was reliable and they had a great dealer network. It was every fleet owners dream, but a crime to drive.

They used the model for 22 years and never chanced major things. Then the sales dropped and they woke up and game whit a new model. But it was not cheap and the dealer network collapsed. Two year later they turned in bankruptie.

ahssci 01-03-2014
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Just faxed mine in. Both problems were well taken care of by Mack. Really happy now that the bugs are worked out of it. I hope its done and its the last of them also. Have 5 of them here and they get my job done every time. Just wished the dealer wasnt 1.5 hours away.

whole9yards 01-03-2014
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Finally! The second post in the thread that responds to Todd's original request. Congratulations, ahssci. The other 90% are totally unresponsive.