Monster Delivery System???
TooTall 04-30-2009
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 Ever seen this kind of pipe used before? Looks like 10 inch and I'd swear that those are victolic clamps! Sure as hell dont have to worry about plugging up do ya. The pipe is so big it looks like a stack of material cylinders sitting next to the pump.

 OK no reduction is a plus but what about the pump having to push 3 times as much weight? I just dont see a reason for it, maybe it's a 4" mix. This picture is in China, just think you could use one of those little fellas as a rabbit for blow down! HA,Ha! Just stuff him in the pipe & air on! Head first of course...

PourItOut 05-01-2009
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Who left the grate open?

Leroy 05-01-2009
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 That jobsite sure looks familiar. Oh yeah i remember that one i got some photos of some of the workers over there. Did you know that in some languages there is no such word as safety?

Leroy 05-01-2009
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nope thats not it. wrong job oops you said china sorry, this is the photo im thinking of. some of them must not speak safety either. have to hand it to them for trying with wat they got' 

TooTall 05-01-2009
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 LMAO!!! That's too much man. I laft so hard my baby boy asked me how come I was cry'n HA HA! Yeah wrong job, no speak safety.

chongliyan 05-01-2009
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what you guys think of this?



Leroy 05-01-2009
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 why bother. with a pile of dreds on your head who needs a hard hat thats better than foam pad head up there




hey little brother you up late or early. whazappening mang. guess wat i got a fone!

Leroy 05-01-2009
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How cool is this its better than email, saw your pics and I see yourname every time i login here but your never online way cool.

 im at mom & dads rite now have you seen them yet? you know they're on the mainland they flew out before easter.

(808) 939 0384 email leroy70@comcast'net i saw caleb in your pics hes big already the girls are taller than their mom!

nice bike bitch. oops i meant to say nice bitchin bike,lol. you do know where these pics came from dont you?



Pump N00b 05-01-2009
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How the hell do they get a mixertruck up to that pump in the first pic?
Must be a big one, or a flying one...

lol anyways

C&M 06-04-2009
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They dont blowout there of my operators was over there for a year and when they have finished pump'n they un-clip it all and tip it out....even there 4inch gear is only 5foot long so they can lift it ok. you should go there maybe you can get that hillbilly swing you always wanted lol C&M.