more bad news
crazycreter 11-15-2009
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We are vrey sad to find out that one of our guys lost a daughter on friday. He's been an operator for just about two years with us. She died abruptly of unknown causes, she was about 10 months.

I remember he couldnt go to the vegas show cause he was having his first baby.

it is so sad

Everybody go hug your kids tonite


Boom Inspector 11-15-2009
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Oh man that is extremly sad to loose a child ,I cant even imagine what he is going thru . My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family........

NxtGenPumper 11-15-2009
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Oh man... I can't imagine loosing my boy. I have boy, 14 weeks old... scary reading stuff like this bc it can happen to anyone. Family is in my prayers...

tebequip 11-15-2009
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That is the worst. My heart goes out to the family.

Todd 11-15-2009
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Wow we are all so sorry for the loss. Please tell him we are praying for them.

predater 11-15-2009
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Very sad terribly unfortunate praying for the family