more colgs than usual
shaun 01-24-2008
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 I have been experiencing more clogs than usual the past few pump jobs. I usualy get it around 125 ft I prime with prime pack solution at the pump. What are some sure fire ways to prevent this with a line pump. I am pretty new at this so I would appreciate any advice.

NCPumper 01-24-2008
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Hey Shaun, Where are you usually having your problems. Priming uphill, downhill, or just flat landing it. Let me know and I might be able to give you some solotions..

typesdubs 01-24-2008
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I know slick-pac priming (whatever brand) is quick and easy, but I personally avoid it.  One-two bags of portland mixed up and dumped into the hopper works for me EVERY time.  Slick-pac might work a dozen times, then all of a sudden it will jam up on a job where I didn\'t want to make a mess.  So, what I do, tell the customer to bring a bag of portland (or two or mortar mix), a wheel barrow, and a shovel, and I\'ll be here with the pump.

79xlch 01-24-2008
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Not all concrete can be pumped. If you are doing the same ole same ole check the mix design. That mix might have too many rocks or sand. So many variables on line pumps. They just love a GOOD mix. When you plug is it sand or rocks that come out of the hose?

Bob 01-24-2008
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if a couple of you operators went to the chat room with him you could fix him up in no time

Seed 01-24-2008
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Great Topic! I sometimes have trouble priming line off the boom. Whenever I use only two bags of Portland it will always wash down and plug in the reducer or shortly in the line. Three bags are always a go? Who has 100% prime All the time?

Redman1 01-24-2008
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I too am a line pumper. I use cement to prime, I have tried all the other stuff, and found good ole portland works best for me. If I am priming a long run with anything other than a good 3/8\" mix... say like a 1\" minus or a blend mix, I prime 5 gallons every 125\'. So I put a mixed bucket out every 125\', then prime out into a heavy bag. Pour the new prime in the next 125\' hook it up and prime again. Done this well over 350\' with rough mixes, and little or no plugs. Hope this helps.

typesdubs 01-24-2008
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Something else I like to do with long runs that are flat or downhill, is crumple up a piece of the bag from the cement and stick it in the line towards the beggining.

Any Pump 01-26-2008
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What I do when mixing slick pak is tip a quarter of a bag into the bottom of the hopper and then really mix it up with a hose the more water the better with my 52m one bag of slick generally lasts 4 or 5 days. With my experience of it if you use too much slick that is when you find that you have problems with blocking it is as if the slick draws the water out of the first bit of concrete which is pushing it through the pipes which results in segregation when it reaches the reducer. The only time I will use one full bag is if I have got a long line on the end of the boom. If I am pumping a pour when the boom is down hill half revs low pressure and just let gravity do it\'s job by trying to pump it down the hill quickly that is when you are going to incur problems.