Morning Y'all
Bob 09-07-2008
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The East coast dodged a bullet on that storm, no evil weather anywhere except for Ike, no earthquakes of major import any where; asise from the economy we are doing pretty well this morning.

So... enjoy the day. ;~)

OE Local 3 09-07-2008
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morning ...We had a small quake last night 4.0 , but nothing new for here. lol



scolew 09-07-2008
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Good morning Bob, glad to hear all is well. Just another day here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I saw the news and I see that everyone in the gulf region are getting ready for another hit. Hope pudg2 is ready.

Bob 09-07-2008
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I am going to find my old "I like Ike"  hat pins and hoppe that the power of positive reinforcement will get him to leave us alone. Aside from the fact that the folks in the Gulf states don't need any further harassment; we don't need an excuse for higher gasoline prices.

Good, Ike... go away now, please. ;~)

ruck 09-07-2008
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Good morning Bob.Chicago is sunny and alittle bit cool.But a great morning.Agood morning for golf.Have a great day everyone.And have a safe week.And keep it coming out the other end.


Todd 09-07-2008
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Southern California and all is well here. At bit foggy but will burn off so we are headed to the beach.

ruck 09-07-2008
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Must be nice.Todd

Tiago40m 09-07-2008
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Today in New york is beautifull

But yesterday and last night it was nasty.

I went with some friends last night and it wasnt a great idea. You could feel the car sliding in the asphault without me even moving the steering whell

toper 09-07-2008
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yes, any morning we can wake up is a good , hope you all have a safe week.

TooTall 09-07-2008
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Great morn'n up here! Best time of year for me. Went to the river to check for any early salmon(church). Catch'n & Kill'n time is almost here! Tickled Pink! 


pudg2 09-07-2008
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good afternoon, and yes im ready for Ike sometimes mother nature can be brutal but thats life all you can do is roll with the punches and help out when you ,we have hurricanes,Cali. has quakes,midwest has killer tornadoes,and the north has blizzards and we all have situations we have to deal with,hopefully this one will spare the gulf coast so good day and god bless

TooTall 09-07-2008
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Hopefuly no-one will have to head for higher ground in your parts. Ive never lived in the south, But I'm salty enough to know to stay above sealevel. I've learned to respect even heavy rain squals & the smallest rivers. 

Shimmie up to the 2nd section and ride it out like the legless Cpt. Dan in "Forest Gump" If you have to!

Via conDios & prayers to all.