My ACPA Christmas wish list
Todd 12-12-2007
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I was talking to Richard Obrien on the phone the other day and we got talking about the ACPA which we both love and believe everyone should be involved in and part of.


Here is my question.

1.As Pump Owners and Operator what do you think would make the ACPA a better organization?

2.What are our hopes for the future of the ACPA.

3. Were is the ACPA falling short.



Now please do not name names such as (I don’t like Pat, he is not very nice to me) or anything like that. Please keep it general.


I would like to see your ACPA wish list.

Many 12-12-2007
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Todd,I have to say I have to agree with DT.The factories dictate to the acpa in the name of saftey.I had a debat with one member of the acpa about the switching of controls on remote boxs.I was directly told by this member that oh yes it would be hard for the old to adjust.This implied to me that they felt the older guys just might be better flippen bergers at McD.If I remember I might have saved those mails.At that point I lost all respect for the acpa and saw just where they were from.

On a side note it was said the manufactures came up with this.I went through the manufactures assc.websites and never saw one mention.In principle the idea of what the acpa stands for is simply outstanding,problem is just who is the real captain of that tuna boat.I'm done

dick tracy 12-12-2007
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Well is that not what unions are supposed to do? I was pro union for years. Now I am anti union for the many of the same reasons I am anti ACPA "brother". It's all about lining pockets. No ethics left in Unions and the ACPA IMHO. Now I've got a loaded shotgun for the Cali and NY boys who will get on here and harp, just thought I ought to warn you "brothers".\

Personally I like Richard and I'm a bit surprised he has so much faith in the ACPA. But then you got to ask yourself what else is left and where else can he turn. Most of what Richard says I agree with but he has seen this industry fall on its face for years and has supported his company with money and investments made 20 plus years ago. No different than ALL THE "FOUNDING FATHERS OF THIS INDUSRTY".

You know Richard, Jack, Dale, Pat, Steve, Günter, Jeff, Vance, Greg, Peppie, Gary Charlie, Bill and many others, you know the Big Boys should all sit down at a table and ask themselves a couple of very serious questions.

1) Are we going to continue to support our pumping businesses by selling assets or hawking property to pump cash into our business to continue going down the road to no where?

2) What can we do as owners to attract buyers so we can retire and sell out some day?

3) How do we come in line with costs and start charging by general accounting methods in line with the Contractors Blue Book just as most every other industry does?

I for one will be right on them, I think we need a 40% increase right off the bat and follow through in six month increments until we get to blue book rates, they control the markets, and this is their fault, all of them. Greed and thinking they can have it all. This is not (for the most part the small operators) is the greed of the manufacturers (duopoly) wanting to control markets, giving equipment away for free to some of these people , anti trust, racketeering and a host of other unethical practices.

I call these men out and state to them you screwed it up, you are all at fault here. You want a healthy industry well now is the time to change…NOW.

30 years of BS and slime ball antics is enough. Let's start a respectable industry. Let's get rid of the iron like the garbage companies do and cut it up after ten years. Let's pay our operators excellent wages and benefits, 8 hour show up like so many industries do.

This industry has become a **** fest. Every body screwing everybody for control. These big boys think they are general Mills and can buy market share. Well let me tell you two things.

1) You can continue voodoo economics all you would like so where is the customer? It, he or she is not one, and you don’t have the 100% markup on the cereal that General Mills does. What I mean by that is pumping concrete is such a minimal part of a project that the sani can supplier makes more money on the job than the concrete pumps and way more profit too

2) If your customer will sell you down the road for 5% or 10% and you can't sell yourself on ethics, service etc. then they are not customers they are price shoppers and always will be. Every time you need a tire changed or a flat repaired do you shop the numbers or do you use a service that keeps you running?

I got more for ya….

PUMPERS TEN 12-12-2007
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when all is said and done is this just the very ugly side of capitalism ,nobody is forcing us to do this.The problem is that this is what we have chosen and the big money has dictated the direction (think walmart) How would it feel to be a local hardware shop and have Home Depot move in.Ultimately the consumer makes the decision and if the duopoly is the problem then some have chosen a direction that is fixing the problem. Maybe if boom service became too expensive some jobs would be lost to line pumps and tailgaiting but just like the real estate market maybe we need a major correction that nobody wants to go through.Just like the fed the manufacturers are going to wipe our a**** to keep the ball rolling nobody wants to sell their crew cab dually diesel.Reality is a b**** no matter  what color the boom.

Todd 12-12-2007
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My ACPA wish list.


  1. The ACPA should own or make their own Manual. The one they use now they do not own.
  2. Term limits, I don’t care if its 10 years but come on some of these guys have been here for ever.
  3. Manufacture should be able to join but have no vote, they have an organization.
  4. I think our next president should have a business degree as part of his qualifications.
  5. I would like to see roll call votes that are published.
  6. I would like to see the agenda posted a few months before the meetings.
  7. I would like to see the meetings held online.
  8. I would like to see a clear cut mission statement from the ACPA.
  9. I would like to see the ACPA be a clearing house for the membership for; insurance on equipment, health insurance for all operators and mechanics, a credit union for its membership, the home of the ACPA 401K, in general it should be an association FOR the owners and pumpers.



I really think that the ACPA is the best way for the industry to improve. I think that we need some strong leadership from people who love this industry.


Please don’t think I am bashing the ACPA I am not. This is just some things I would love to see happen. Some things I think the ACPA should work on.

Bob 12-12-2007
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You can have no effect if you are not a member.

(1) Join!

PUMPERS TEN 12-13-2007
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it almost sounds like it could take on a costco type model where it supposedly could save the members money in different respects (insurance,dispatching software,financing,etc.)It should be set up to set an industry standard,but it will also have to be profitable so it can be properly manned.I for one have never looked into the current organization because it is not taken seriously.

Todd 12-13-2007
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Pumper Ten, now is a really good time to join the ACPA I really think you should do it. Bob is giving me a hard time because i dont belong right now but i am going to join as soon as we get a new pres. I hope that is soon. Maybe when he is gone we can have a big ACPA membership drive and all work together for the betterment of the industry.

Bob 12-13-2007
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Certification and continued training, both craft and safety, should be an association mandate.