My apoligies
Wolfman 09-15-2008
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My apoligies to Raymond 1000%.But i guess he did get us all or at-least a I did kinda wonder why Todd and Bob didn't have anything to say,they knew what was going on,I bet they got a really good chuckle out of it lol.

Todd 09-15-2008
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I never saw it, I spent the night with my family  and did not get to read it. Bob told me the next morning. I did not know Raymond had it in him. He pulled the prank of the century with that one. I hope it does not start a trend, lol.

I think its a good lesson for us all. A cool head, a calm answer and bla bla bla is always good.


Bob 09-15-2008
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Wolfman's stock went way up in my book. He was all amped about a safety violation. ;~)

Wolfman 09-15-2008
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Thanks Bob.Safety is something very important to me exspecialy since working on the CityCenter project,too many guys died for stupid resons.I've been punked before by Burger King too,I guess i should learn lol.

Raymond 09-15-2008
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 Wolfman --

No worries.


Leroy 09-16-2008
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I'll jump on this apology wagon too. I layed into ole Ray pretty hard myself. Had me wonder'n "Where the hell their find'n guys these days?" Great dipshit bait! Dipshits of all sorts!  Yeah me to Ray...

TooTall 09-16-2008
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Can I "catch" a ride on this wagon?

Yeah me three Ray! I beleive I called you several names aswell...DumbA$$-Dip$hit-Lazy & last but not least...Worthless(lol). I really did go fish'n last nite. Hope'n to eat something other than CROW. I otta post myself up there with my "Monster Fish". Battered-Breaded & Deep-fried!

Wolfman 09-16-2008
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I did learn one thing from this,"be very careful when dealing with Raymond".Move over Ashton,Ray is in the house.lololol:):):)