My son joined the Army today. Infantry Reconnaissance
Todd 08-18-2011
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Dont tell anyone but it has been a hard day for me. Very proud of him but I know he is going into harms way. He is a good son and I will miss him. God has made him a warrior and that is all he has ever wanted to be. He is 17 years old and signed up as soon as he could. When he turns 18 he will start his training.

Andrew Bullis age 17

Red Hand84 08-19-2011
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We appreciate his service.God Bless.

Travelteck 08-19-2011
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As a parent in this time frame you must be very proud and a little anxoius.

Best wishes to him and your family


Todd 08-19-2011
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It is funny but I am a complete mess when ever I think about it. I tear up and ....  well you know. I am proud of him. My wife is dealing with this better than me.

CaSsE 08-19-2011
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So young, hope he is calm enough to survive any battle.

Boom Inspector 08-19-2011
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Ive got a daughter thats has been in the army going on 7 plus years ,she was stationed in bagdad for some time and also Germany. Ive also got a step son I raised that joined the marines last august. Its really really hard saying good bye when they leave , but wow what an emotional roller coaster for us parents.

I know exactly what you are feeling todd, but just remmeber there is no feeling greater than the pride you feel when you see your children at graduation day after they survived boot camp. It brings a grown man to tears.

God bless and Good luck to your son , and hopefully he will not see any action as our conflicts are slowing coming to an end. 

Many 08-22-2011
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This is the time most parents cring,there child coming of age.He has taken the presence to be one of our countries defeners,I am thankfull.May he and all others stay from harms way,thanking him