bisley57 12-07-2008
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 One day a social worker went to a persons house to tell them they were to recieve a check once a month.The house had little paint on the walls,and dirt floors,when the social worker asked what they were going to do with the check,the person said they were going to give it to a poor person.....

Bob 12-07-2008
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One day a social worker went to the penthouse apt' of a wall street securities broker. "I hear you folks are having a hard time and your bonus was only $2,583,971.00 this year. Here, I have brought you a check."

The broker hit the social worker over the head, stole all the other checks and had the security guard throw the social worker off the roof.

Need........... no, GREED!!!

Bob 12-07-2008
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The moral to the story is:

Whether from you and your family or from the US Treasury; those in need are where the giving should go.

TooTall 12-07-2008
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We dont always need to spend in order to give. Every year I furnish my friends & family with Christmas trees. $6 per tree permit from the forestry dept. I get a handfull of em and whenever I'm fish'n, hunt'n or just out in the woods I am always on the lookout. Yesterday I got 3 beauties, nobles! I frequent the same river in the N.Cascades so their not to hard to find. I've delivered a half dozen or so already. I have discovered that they are more appriciated than anything I could buy or spend money on. But then again a noble fir can fetch $80-$100 at a tree lot!!?? This year the list is long. Aint no kids goin without a tree on my watch! I am not the Lorax... Chop, Chop! 

1... 2... TREE!!! Christmas Tree 

Bob 12-07-2008
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T. T.

Way to be ;~)

gwillett72 12-08-2008
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over here this xmas with the gfc our govt is giving all families with children under 15 $1000 per child to try to keep the country moving along ,great idea i think I have #3 kids !!