neewbie setup question for shotcrete. which hoses to you??
MANNY 05-29-2012
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ok sorry for my neewbie questions  i need a whole are for anyway   if you guys seen from my other post  i just got a big rock pump. reed A30hp  i have a guy who used to run a big rock pump for 15 years   training me untll i feel comfortablewith the big rock.


OK right now i am reducing all the way down to 2in from the hopper  so i am only using 2 inch hose all the way..

i been having a couple other guys telling me that i should have atleast a 2 1/2 hose from the pump then reduce it down to the 2 inch.. from my perspective that just gives it another place to get plugged..


but i thought i would ak and see what kind of suggestions i would get from use..


again when im doing shotcrete..


thnaks in advance..

Dipstick 05-31-2012
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I don't know much about shotcrete but I see it as an advantage to go to 2,5'' first and then to 2'' towards the end.. Less friction and less plugs.. When I do normal concrete like peagravel I always use max 100' 2,5'' and then like 100' 3'' and if its even more line its 4'' on the rest. (thinking from the endhose towards the pump ofcourse Wink)

But again.. I have no experiance with shotcrete so lets see what the other guys say....

Leaddog 05-31-2012
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I would try to avoid using 2-1/2" hose and a reducer.  That may work for pea cravel but you will have a lot pressure on that hose with the reducer behind it.  If you plug, that hose is going to blow because it's the lowest working pressre in the system.  It may not be the most practical but if you think you have to go to 2-1/2", I'd run pipe, then the reducer, then the 2" hose.  you may also want to lengthen your reducers to reduce back pressure. 

16 CELL 05-31-2012
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2' line all the way from the hopper, for a long push I would use steel pipe and 2" line at the end. Avoid running rubber between reducers, it will surge heavily. That's what works well with the material in our area, opinions will likely vary based on available mix design.

PEAGRAVEL PRO 06-03-2012
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i do shotcrete twice a week with my olin 565. word from the wise run 2 1/2 in pipe all the way to the pool then reduce it to 2 in hose and run fifty foot hose in the pool because the cutters will like you a hell of a lot more with less clamps cacthing on the rebar when they r draggin the hose . also my reason for running 2 1/2 in pipe to the edge of the pool is one i feel pipe is better on the pump and 2 if your running your system over exsisting concrete pipe moves very little if any at all and to make sure your not causing any damage get a bunch of 2x4's and cut them a foot long and puttm under the pipes just after the clamp and one other reason for running 2 1/2 in all the way to the pool is if you plug you dont want 2 plug  at the pump it be better if it happened at the pool because its mostly dirt around it or already messed up sand dirty from all the work going on. on the wash out i blow out my system with air and hook one 2 1/2 in hose from the pump to washout hook and 4 to five hoppers later good to go. also becareful when using air never hold the vslve wide open just quick little spirts of air with pauses in between each time. of course everybodys different in how theydo oit and could also tell u my way is wrong but it works for me and gets the job done safely. over the years you will find what works for you best. any questions you can message me anytime

PEAGRAVEL PRO 06-03-2012
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PEAGRAVEL PRO 06-03-2012
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PEAGRAVEL PRO 06-03-2012
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also one more thing that ive  found useful to me . nine times outta ten you will plug in the 2 1/2 to 2 in reducer so stay by the reducer and try to at all times have a visual  on the nozzle man. it will plug in the end of the nozzle and if you dont catch it in time somebody could get hurt