negative attitudes
mattno29 02-04-2012
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I understand why everyone has such a bad and negative attitude on this board with the ecomomy and such but i am a 27 year old guy wanting to start my own business in concrete pumping but after coming on this board day in and day out i really like to think that i am crazy to think about it.

i really love what i do in operating and managing two pumps and i thought wow what a business but is there anything good about being in this business it cant all be bad can it?? i have been around concreting all my life and have never had much interest in doing it as a profession until i got into pumping and i firmly believe there is money to be made and people are making money but am i just dreaming?.

i would like to hear some pros rather then all cons about starting a business in concrete pumping. well if there is any ha ha.

Raymond 02-04-2012
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The best part of owning your own pumping business.... you could pick what color your trucks would be?

PUMBO 02-04-2012
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Lets just start by saying this is not negative attitude but a realistic attitude from proven concrete pumpers who have seen an industry flourish and flounder.

There once was a time when the availabilty of concrete pumps were far and few between and there was opportunity for success as the demand was at its peak. However that time is long gone.

Unless you had been operating concrete pumps in that period, paid off your investments, built a spare part inventory and have some spare cashflow, you should 'proboably' look for a better business opportunity.

It's really up to you to decide if in the uncertain world economy to be taking financial risks on nuts and bolts (concrete pump) is a wise choice.

seedless 02-04-2012
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I get negative looking at the cranes and what they get paid, and why pumps are not more regulated. Any one can buy a pump then sell a lie and be busy for a time, this is a two faced market, they might drop a contract or 1 dollar an hr.

Or compation may say your not right for this job, behind your back (cough realy) Concrete is not all peaches and cream.

Quality seems to be as good as your price these days. Negative NO realistic maybe, call it what you will , most have been stung, and the novelty has worn off. Fresh meat int he industry learns faster than most experianced operators hope, keep the chin up. 02-05-2012
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Its not for everyone and some in the industry treated it not as a business but rather a way to get rich and famous.  Ego goes up, million dollar homes get built, and profit each year goes to owners pocket and gets pissed away.  If you take off and start your business, put yourself on salary, and never, ever use your profit for personal use. Put it back in the business.  How many big pump company owners out there are still managing, Selling, dispatching, pumping??  The sad thing is that the owners are some of the best in the industry at these positions.  If you own he company and wont go out and run the small line pumps or any other equipment cuz you're too important to do the common stuff, perhaps there is a reason you are losing money, and business, etc.  just a thought...f you're going to start your own company be prepared to work harder (and smarter) than anyone else.  Take the headache, stress, and worry right along with the profit.  Most of all, its a way to earn a living for yourself and employees.  Can be very good just use your head.i

newcompetiton 02-05-2012
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It is a cut throat industry for some companies, but it does not have to be that way.  And for some companies it is not the way business is done.  Yes the economy leaves a bad taste in everyones' wallet but that is the unfortunate part being in business.  A sound practise for all companies (large and small), is to respect all of their customers no matter what their size or needs( I know this is challenging but it takes patience).  Get to know your customers on a personal basis for example learn about their interests, hobbies, families, history and partnerships.  That goes a long way to making a connection to a current or potential client.

Also all companies need to put their best foot forward with all customer relations ( and employee relations as well) .  If an employee is respected by the employer they are more likely to pass that on while performing their duties to the customer.  Pump operators are the first line of contact between the job site and the management or sales representative.  The pump operator can learn a lot about a company when pumping for them in a day than a salesman can learn in an hour luncheon.  The lines of communication should always be open between the sales staff and the operators.  owners of companies should be directly involved in customers relations in the field(like showing up when the job is going with coffees, t-shirts etc), that way no customer can say that the owner is a money grubbing guy who only cares about profits and themselves.

When dealing with customers never disrepect your competition to them.  Most clients smell fear and when you trash your competitor it signals that you are worried about the competition taking your work.  No matter who the customer is if you tell them not to use the other guy because of incompetence or bad attitude operators or pump failures and catastrophic pumping experiences that client can relate that information to your competition and in turn they will directly come after your business or clientele.

Small businesses especially need to network with the customer base.  Quite often new companies emerge from employees leaving and starting their own business(like foremans starting their own companies and partnerships breaking up).  As a small business joining service clubs and associations(construction or otherwise) can lead to new opportunities, hold a customer appreciation bbq in the summer and invite ALL current ,past and possible future customers.  Hey even if everyone can not show up it at least keeps it in the head of the customer that you were aware of them.

Lastly, work with your competition.  When you can not cover your work because of no available machines or a break down you need to be able to pick up the phone and immediately get a hold of the other guy to cover your job.  Meet with your competitors and establish rules of engagement for doing this and you can both succeed.  If your competition wants to meddle with your clients discontinue their service.

Respect, it has to be earned it has to be kept and it must always be given to competition, clients,and the community where you do business.  If a customer stops using your services for WHATEVER the reason may be  

at least do not give them the opportunity to say that you never tried to service them and improve their situation.  That will leave the door open for them to come back to you if the feel someone else can not meet their requirements.  You must always be at their level.  You must always know what is important to them.  Show them the appreciation that they once showed you by using your company, work at their level not above it for they will feel you are condescending and ignorant to their situation.  The customer will respect you if you can get them what they want and not promise the moon(another reason salesman and management need to talk to their operators).  Every customer depises a slimy salesman. So it is hard for operators to perform well when sales staff make big promises just so that the customer feels secure.  Be up front about potential challenges towards a project or pour, give complete quotes, have no extra add on fees after the job.  Basically it is a balancing act but if your company is driven positively to succeed the customer will see that, no matter what your size.  If your customers TRUST your company they will recommend you their clients, partners,and even their competitors.  Good news travels slow and steady but BAD NEWS travels at the speed of light(damn near).

Keep positive and keep pumping guys

txredman 02-05-2012
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@newcompetition - very well said, my friend, very well said. I have two pumps and I run one every day. Customer service can be second to nothing. Small companies need to find a customer base that wants exactly that, a small company. Do what you tell them you are going to do. Go look at jobs if the customer wants. Treat them as they are your best/only customer. I treat all mine very well and I mean it - not just trying to show I appreciate them, I sincerely do. 

biged 02-05-2012
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I learned one thing stay away from the boom pumping side buy your self a good line pump to start out and don't let anyone talk you into a Boom to many working parts dollar for dollar you can make more money and keep it in line pumping,and your insurance is a lot cheaper.


My business is in our 6 th year, last year was one of the best, it is hard work if you plug and you will its a lot easier beating it out I have never lost a hose and I'm still using the first hose I started with.

rusty22 02-05-2012
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Biged said it best stay small.Line pumps and i would go with 1 36m. You are in a nice area work it. You will make more money and less gray hair. Keep customers happy,your pump happy with maitanance. You will do well.

thinksnow 02-05-2012
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its nice being owner/operator scheduling is a pain at times but not bad    you do good work you dont have to advertise. get along with competion youll need em some day to save your ass.  and a wise man told me they would rather have a bad operator with a good attitude than a good operator with a bad attitude (that gets me alot of work west of me)

Many 02-05-2012
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I have to agree with Ed,the line pumps are the only ones getting a decent rate.If one is dead set on a boom there are some great prices out there.The line pump ins is cheaper as all other aspects.There are some of us that's been at it 30+ years and seen um come and go,negitive is not a real concern,just warning.

Pumpman_79 02-06-2012
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Mattno29  I have also been in concrete pumping for over 30 yrs.  I believe you should do what is in your heart. And do not let anyone bring you down. You should do what you love and take the time to do it safe.  I love to pump concrete I have two sons that pump concrete also the thing I like the best is I learn something new every day.

Dipstick 02-07-2012
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Its how it works in a free market economy.. If there is to many pumps the prices will go down. Its so logical. If there are few pumps you will get good prices. Solution would be less pumps... Maybe the people that are the most negative should give up and find themselves something else to do. Make space for the people that do have a possitive attitude..  As long as no one gives up the prices will stay low because there is always someone that will do it cheaper just to keep his equipment and employees at work..

Pumperman430 02-09-2012
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biged,  i agree with you  100%  all  we do  is  line pump  and a whole lot  of it.  2''  to  4''   what  ever  our  customers  want,  they  not  myself  is the  boss.  the  staying  small  thing  has its  advantages.

Pumpkiller 02-14-2012
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Diversify,don't just pump concrete. We got into the crane business a few years ago and it has helped us through the slow times pumping.

ALMIMA 02-16-2012
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"Biged" I agree 100% !!! i do also run a linepumpcompany. But is it realy true that you never worn out or has an hoseexploation in 6 year? Impressed! Realy Impressed!!!

To run a company is like move from home - your costumer is realy your costumer - they are not "just another costumer" they are yours!! It´s like when you move from home and you get mail in your mailbox - it is your mail and only yours. That feeling is very important for me - even after all these years i have runned my pumpcompany. I don´t think about it every day - but it´s there.

The pumpbusiness is sometimes (i think) the most worse business in the world - but every business is sometimes a paine in the.....

But if you have the same request as i have - that to take care of YOUR costumer and feel proudness that that costumer choosed you to pump he´s concrete to he´s project - then do you think and act as an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur you must feel proudness to solve your costumers problem - even if the costumer is a real asshole. An entrepreneur only have focus to do the job and accept to see beside if the costum behave as an asshole.

99% of the costumer is wonderful (1% is real idiots and assholes - but your income), but an entrepreneur is allways friendly to 100% of he´s costumer.

Can you manage that and have the engagement to stand by to pump 24 hours a day and work/pump 17 hours a day 7 days a week, then i don´t see any problem for you to start your own pumpbusiness.

Just a piece of my life as pumpentrepreneur..... 

ALMIMA 02-16-2012
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I forgott to tell: When you have done a pumpjob - any pumpjob as well, and you a few days later read in the newspaper under the topicline: "The rose of the day" (it means in Swedish newspaper: The hero of the day) and you read that a costumer had sent a letter to the newspaper and it says that your company (whith name) and you (whith your name) has done a wonderful pumpjob at their property, and they are so greatful and so on...

Maybe some of you think that that is nothing. But when i read that about my self in the newspaper i was realy proud. It have only happend once - but that realy warmed my hart! My company have once in a time bin a hero...that is a very big thing to experience as an entrepreneur