Never thought this could happen
38zman 06-09-2008
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Well last week I was in trouble for being to safe of a operator. Not one of the complaints said they feel unsafe when I am on the stick in fact they think I do  A GREAT  JOB. The problem seems to be I will not set up on ramps where other operators will and that makes me short sometimes on my reach. I am having trouble understanding the logic in this. If all the ready mix companies will not back on these ramps then why are we expected to set up on them.....

I have had a few instances in the past where I was set up partial on ramps and then the dirt gives way. Having dunnage saved my skin a few times. I have thought about this over the weekend and maybe I am being to anal about this but because of they way I am and I was tought I have never had my pump flip and if I would have cut corners well the out come would have been much diffrent.

I have herd so many horror stories and seen enough pictures that I dont want to be a stat because of operator error.

I would appreciate any input you may have on this.


yank 06-09-2008
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stick to your training and gut instincts,    be nice but firm.........     eventually the one job you don't do is the one that someone will have problems on !!!!!!!!

Todd 06-09-2008
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Do you have any pictures of these ramps

local18 06-09-2008
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If the ramps put your pump at more than 3 degrees your taking a chance of your boom possibly breaking away. I personally have had this happen, not a good spot to be in (dangerous) and will not do it again. Like Todd was saying i would like to see pictures of the ramps also. Safety first