New Elbow Safety Guards
Ron 08-11-2006
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Hey Todd,

Don't now if you remember me, but I thought maybe I would write and tell you how it's going I'm the one that came up with idea of the elbow safety guard.Have been running field test on it and has proved to be very sucsessful Wish I knew next step have been writing people in the industies all day hopeing to hear something in near future. I think it is as good as it gets. I have been running with it on the pump and have heard it is the talk of the lunch room at the concrete companies wondering why they evan back up to pumps that don't have them, so that is good news word is speading Thanks for your help in the past anything helps. I will send you some pictures of the proto its complete.Ready for production.

Thanks again.

Ron McReynolds


S T B Stop The Blow



rcv1973 09-05-2006
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Ron, I don't know if you originally came up with the idea or not, but Brundage-Bone has been manufacturing a backend safety cover and requiring there use on every pump for well over a year now.