Todd 05-02-2009
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I have a new web site up. Its called

Here is how I see this web site working.

  1. I hope to help to educated Concrete Contractors how to best utilize concrete pumps.

  2. I hope to promote safety.

  3. I hope to help Pump companies gain a better Internet presents.

  4. I hope to promote our industry.

  5. This web site will have no message board but will push people to

  6. This web site will have no members but only reciprocal links.

  7. No Advertisers allowed, if you want on this site just post a link to on your web page and I will put your link on here for free. I maintain the right to refuse to put up links to those companies that owe me money or that I do not want to put up. Here is a link to were you can find our logo to put up on your web site if you so choose. once you put my logo up on your web page email it to me and i will put yours up.

This web site is new but it is not new, I have had this web site up for years and one of the best thing I can tell you about having your link on here came from JLS Concrete Pumping here in Ventura. I did their web page and they had a link to on it so I put up their link on pumping companies. Well one day a French company was awarded this big water project in California and they went to and emailed JLS and they ended up getting the job. This French company never even heard of JLS before they found Oh and now JLS has a new web site and they forgot to put up my logo so now they are not hear but I am hopping that will change soon. Lol we will see.

If you have any questions let me know, I would love to answer them.

Please remember this web site is not done yet but in the works. Thanks and be safe.

Todd 05-02-2009
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If you already have a link to and your link is not up here let me know ok, i will post you ASAP.

Todd 05-04-2009
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I would like to thank Reed for putting a link to on their web site. Thanks Reed.

REEDPumps 05-06-2009
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any time Todd!