northwest63 08-19-2009
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JOB SITE  A,B,I,  in seattle

biged 08-19-2009
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Thats the dumbest thing I have seen going over power lines ,with that type of building going up those should have been moved,someone will get killed before that job is over, those lines should have been covered with rubber sheilds so many things can go wrong.

C-LOS 63M 08-19-2009
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how long u been runnin that 63?

northwest63 08-19-2009
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they moved the lines,,,!!! data and one street light line,the power c.o. was on hand and cut the power to the light for the poor,i'v been on this 63 close to a year,,i learn something new every time i go can put the mud down and be smooth doing it.i love it

northwest63 08-19-2009
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c-los63m,how do like your's,have any truble with it?any pic's?

BIG PAPA PUMP 08-19-2009
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Just because they say there off doesn't mean there still isn't static in those lines.  I know you like what you do brandon but don't let the pwr co. give you a false sense of security.  Just because they say it's so doesnt mean it's always so.  Be careful shit happens.

52putz 08-20-2009
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If they don't want to take the lines down, just have them send someone to install grounds on the lines where you are booming over or around.  Then you have visible confirmation the line is dead.

Boom Inspector 08-20-2009
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That was a nice video ,out east there are very few of those sized pumps . It was fun to see this one in action.

northwest63 08-20-2009
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looking at the pic's you can see that there is only data lines that i am going over,there is a rope going from pole to pole with flags on it above the data line's the only power line is in frount of the pump that is going to a street light.that came into play when folding and unfolding the boom.i did not go over any power!!i hope that is clear!!

biged 08-20-2009
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KNOW one on here wants to hear of you getting hurt thats all I think you are aware of this.

northwest63 08-20-2009
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thank's.keeping it safe!!

Nebuchadnezzar 08-20-2009
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nice pictures. Nice and safe, nice touch on blocking off the outrigger area.

SIXdaysAweek 08-20-2009
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that is sweet with safeco in the background

TooTall 08-21-2009
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 I once met a guy with no arms that told me there's no such thing as "they said" when it comes to VoLtAgE. He also said there is one single person that does the "lock out/Tag out". The guy putting his life over, under and on the line... YOU! If you didn't lock it & you didn't tag it it's still hoT.

 He was an electrician, until it blew his arms off when a hi voltage supply to a trolly crane was supposedly "Locked/tagged out"


C-LOS 63M 08-22-2009
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I Have had mine close to 14 months,no major problems.the steering would act up every now and then,got good pics but need to figure out how to post them.

northwest63 08-25-2009
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HAVE you had the computer upgrade on the rear steer?the gets mine.that dam box gets so freekin hot.

northwest63 08-25-2009
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oops that gets mine