New web site to open next week. If you want to sell your pump call me.
Todd 01-14-2010
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I am about to launch a new web site for the sale of boom pumps. This new web site will allow the user to put up video of his pump that is for sale. I am looking for a couple guys who are looking to sell their pump and be the first to have video up of the sale of their pump.

If your such a person who needs help selling you pump and want to test this system out (and sell your pump) please call me Todd, 805 659-3437 and let me know. I will hook you up.

My2cents 01-14-2010
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 The problem is that the majority of the audience on this particular web site has nothing for sale, nor do they buy. Operators do not buy, they make recomendations, which ultimatately cost all owners in the long run, yet profess to be gods gift to pumping.

Boom Inspector 01-14-2010
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now that made me laugh My2cents 

Todd 01-14-2010
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I think you would be surprised who reads this web site everyday. Many of the owners watch it everyday and all the big boys watch it everyday and even email me. Pres. of the worlds largest pump manufactures and owners of the largest suppliers watch it every day. Yes its mostly the operators that post but believe me some real big shots have emailed me lately and have told me that they still learn things off of we only have 100 or so posters but some days we have around 6000 visits to this web site. I have had operators call me and tell me that 30 min after they posted crap about their boss they got fired. I know I am starting to sound like I am bragging but its all true.

tebequip 01-15-2010
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That is a great Idea. I need to figure out how to get this done.

Boom Inspector 01-15-2010
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Todd, I know you are right on target with that statement,not everyone that visits here makes a post and there are alot of reasons for that good or bad,and after rereading my above post it could have been taken in the wrong manner. The typed word is tricky and has many meanings to each reader ya know.

Personally I think a website with actual video footage for sale items is a very informative way to get a potential customers attention.

One thing too, you say there is some where around 3500-4500 users here is that information availible only to you ? Cause at first glance I cant easily tell , Ive been involved in many forums and they usually have a counter near the bottom filled with that kind of info. 

Ti-so 01-15-2010
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here in canada a lot of poeple are looking for used pump.Just around me one is looking for a 47m 2006-07,an other is looking for 32m 2000,i m looking for a 32m 1998 and a 39m-41m 2000 +. So let it roll

Tank 01-15-2010
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Would you sell a set of Line dragons ??

If So I'll test the system out for you! 

My2cents 01-15-2010
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Todd you do have a wonderful forum, CUDOS TO YOU!

I just wish everyone would actually take advantage of the knowledge that is posted here and not repeat the horrors that we have already read about.

The problem I see and I get sucked into is the negatives that keep getting brought up because no one learns from others mistakes, and keeps bringing them up again in new posts and it is like it is okay the second time. That is my issue!

I thought this was about learning thru knowledge of all combined which amounts to many years, yet we still hear the same old grind, which in the end costs everyone involved. I guess I am not the Educator, maybe you should be!

Todd, you have a great thing, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!

Telealbelt 01-18-2010
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Sell my pumps for a million and I'll buy a bar and stay drunk all the time.  No seriously

Ti-so 01-20-2010
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hi todd just wondering if your site his ready