North West Company Pumps D.R.Horton jobs for Free!!!
TooTall 04-10-2009
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 The company (Express fromerly Viking) is new to this area and the industry, they recently stole the D.R.Horton account from thier regular pump company by quoting them a rate of $250 per job! If they were capable of doing simple addition they might realize that $250 does'nt even cover the cost of fuel, wages etc.

 The best part is that the company that pumped D.R.Hortons jobs for many years did so for $125/$2.50/$60 with a 3 hour min. So Dane the super salesman pulled his panies all the way down to his ankles when he only needed to pull them down to his knees! This comes on the heels of them bidding residential jobs for $12 per yard with no minimum yardage requirements. This lead to them doing 2 load jobs that took 4 & 5 hours for $240 and less! That's what I call a lack of education and common sense!!!

 It's a cry'n shame and should be against the law, what a bunch of fools!  

joey 04-10-2009
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Sounds like a hell of a deal for DR Horton! Perfect example of a win/lose situation!

Stupid Who???


tebequip 04-10-2009
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Hey TT

Same in the DC market. I understand they are closing this week. This is a company backed by ---- just like VIking or I mean Express this week. This is not good for sure. But it will work itself out. You knowthe story better then any of us TT. Talk soon.

G-man 04-10-2009
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glad to see stupidity isn't limited to my area of the country,        a company who I won't name (    however was in some type of business relationship with Pumpco )    just drove a 32m 284 miles   EACH WAY,    for a 50 yard house slab.                The salesman must be so proud !!!!!

what a bunch of damn ass morans !!!!


eugene 04-10-2009
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so i ordered ten yards of mud, the customer said lets do 9.5 well we were .5 short ha ha cost him $150- more. this is the second pump job and yea he got the two for one deal. really i just wanted to run my ball pump. well he said it might rain and he wants sealer, told the guys no way iam done giving and the weather is fine even tomarrow


zuat150 04-10-2009
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G man you must really hate those guys who had some kind of arrangement with pumpco, your last couple of posts have not been kind.

TooTall 04-10-2009
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 It's a perfect example of how much knowledge some of these salesmen lack. The guy that quoted the builder $12 per yard was trying to beat another quote for $14 per yard from another company. He obviously had NO clue as to how getting paid by the yard works. $12 to $14 per yard is a competitive rate if it's bid properly and the contractor pays by the hour if they pour less than fifty yards per hour or so. These guys are so stupid they're probably wondering how anyone makes any money at all?

 With a fleet of 7 brandnew concrete pumps ranging in size from 37m up to 48m it is evident that they're not in the business of pumping concrete. They simply want to have and own pumps here in the US but they're destroying the market in the process! But I guess if you dont pay for licensing and proper insurance etc. I guess it's alot easier to under cut. They are literally PAYING to pump jobs! What a mess...

G-man 04-10-2009
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yep,  no use for them at all,        if five or six cos. are in an area, all priced within the same range and one guy shows up ( who was based elsewhere  )   and his only sales pitch is I can do it cheaper,   ( and a hell of a lot cheaper ),     no I don't have much use for folks like that.

Honestly,     568 total miles for a 50 yard house slab,     I'll listen for the rest of my life and no one will convince me that that job "" made "" money !!!!

Another post said it best,    we are our own worst enemies !!!!!!!

Many 04-10-2009
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In websters dictionary "sympathy" is found between "sh*t and syphilis".I personally have no love for cut throats,but who am I? I will not say about business practises but I worked for the king of cut throat,he got his just reward.

TooTall 04-10-2009
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 Many I believe you could word that statement either way you wanted... "he got his just reward" or  "he just got his reward"

 I'm glad to see that these contractors soon realize within the first few jobs that they're getting exactly what they paid for! Even with new machines they cant keep a customer very long, just goes to show that good service and experience is everything. A new pump in the wrong hands just wont work, A 20 year old pump in the right hands will work just fine!

dick tracy 04-14-2009
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Give me a break...So who was it that lost DR Horton.. To Tall? The Green Machines?

I want to say SFW (figure it out) what goes around comes around....Hope they got a lot more in store for ya!

Manufactures whores or wars...symantics...spelling and pronunciation... you know.

TooTall 04-15-2009
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 Sorry dick tracy, no breaks! The account was actually serviced by a smaller family outfit that had 9 pumps one year ago and now they're down to 4. Part of the reason the price was so low was because thats what it took for them to finally give in to the "unbeatable price"

 Even the bigger dogs are having a hard time competing with this crap!   

Secret Squirrell 04-16-2009
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Hay to tall I know the issue with D.R. Horton first hand but /W pumping flat work side. With the Chinese virtually lending the pumps to Viking they can do any thing they want without any english speaking salesmen. The million dollar question is how do you sell pump service to a Co. That just cares about the bottom line. My guess is you pass on the deal with D.R Horton and keep your rates up there and hope they learn there lesson that cheaper isent always better. Keeping good communication with the office is a way to keep the squeaky wheel good and greased don't you agree?

sweed 04-20-2009
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 I dont no what Dane is doing up north? I agree, he does'nt have a clue. He should have kept his little 1 pump company, that guys in his own world!