Ok, dunnage More dunnage please.
Todd 06-04-2009
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Bad day.


cp1 06-04-2009
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Particle board usually doesn't work too well for support.

Trey 06-04-2009
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That'll mess up a wet dream!! That's probally why they tell you to use 4X4's in the ACPA

WHO?? 06-04-2009
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Judging from that pic and a couple other I have seen...The round foot on the rigger it's self if not sunk into the ground in fact it is twisted under.Leading me to believe he had enough there to support the load.But rather from the way the truck is sitting It looks like the rear outrigger on the Passenger side is not out at all.Looks like that rigger being in and the boom coming around past the front out rigger is what lead to his demise! .....Am I seeing it wrong?? or does any one else feel the same!?!?!

Step Brother 06-04-2009
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Is there more pics of this? Hope no one was hurt.

Todd 06-04-2009
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AK1 06-04-2009
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ok i would say it is a bad day but that guy needs to fix his gaskets they are dripping on his roof ( hehehehe )

Many 06-04-2009
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Other than unfortunate it kinda makes one wonder is the pumps wood pads were in use.I mean that small rigger foot could concievably punched through.Anyone know what really what happend.

pumpjockey 06-04-2009
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Do you suppose that it could have shaken itself off the outrigger pad?  I'm not certain, but it looks like the job (footings) wasn't a big volume one, if the pads were centered and the stroking wasn't fast (and violent - with boom bounce) I doubt it would have shaken off on a small job like that, unless the dunnage and outrigger pad were unstable and unlevel....who knows for sure?  Obviously, something was amiss.

toper 06-04-2009
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looks likw some really loose soil, i see concords round pad there, but looks like he opted for some 2x10's and plywood, and whats that pipe next to the sunken foot.

always extra wood on the front heavy foot

toper 06-04-2009
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ShortStik 06-05-2009
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Something is not being shown in the pics.  the front passenger foot is sit above ground.  i have never seen my outrigger feet slide around.  where they've been set is where they stayed.  i with WHO??, rear outrigger short rigged.

ShortStik 06-05-2009
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but all we can do is guess unless theres testimony from the operator.  id guess nobody was hurt if it hasn't been mentioned yet.  lucky...for how long...

Slinger 06-05-2009
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Looking at the trees, the rear riggers were likely short rigged. The thing I noticed is with where the concrete left off that boom was fairly close to the truck with the first 2 sections being almost vertical. I would expect this if it were flat boomed but this is not the case. I agree with Shortstick, without the operator saying what happened all one can do is guess.

bluefx4flare 06-05-2009
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Looks like he's on sand and short rigged rear outriggers. Thats my guess. The way the boom is almost A framed, he was moving when he went over. But then again without the operators confirmation, its anyone's guess.

Todd 06-05-2009
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dumpaa 06-05-2009
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Wow that last pic tells alot on what happened! Working side rear outrigger does not look to be out at all!! Two much pressure on front out rigger on working side sent it threw pad and dunage. Kinked the rod and over it went must of felt like time stood still when it started going over!! When times are slow we tend to push the luck to make the cutomer happy. the next time the cainsaw comes out and makes room for that outrigger. hope all is well with everyone on job.

bisley57 06-05-2009
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I noticed that the "material" that the pass. front outrigger was set up on was freshly dug from the hole he was pouring in.Notice the natural ground level was 2-3 ft. below the elevation of where outrigger foot is/was.,hence,non-compacted material,not very good for support.

TooTall 06-05-2009
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 Well now he knows how far you cant swing past the front outriggers when its short rigged, even with the boom almost strait up & down!

 I'll bet that boom came down quick & with a Bang!

Many 06-05-2009
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Bet he saw TT's bear in the woods and got lost.That would explain the bear in the tree (skirrrt) and the (skirrrt) operator.

Many 06-05-2009
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Wished the pic's woulda opered,sounds interesting.


SUPERDOFFER 06-05-2009
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i wil say take no risk

Raymond 06-05-2009
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"...Well now he knows how far you cant swing past the front outriggers when its short rigged, even with the boom almost strait up & down!..."

TooTall - that is what I like to see... a positive outlook on a bad situation.   It's all about learning!!  Knowledge = safer operator


Many-  I clicked your link and found...that you've discovered a tow-truck forum!!  Nice find!

I thought we were the only ones with enough OCD to have a forum to talk about work...

Pumper Tom 06-05-2009
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i thought we were not showing downed pumps on here


northern pumper 06-05-2009
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its only a concord anyway not really worth salvaging anyway

peewee 06-05-2009
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its not all the way down just kinda down big difference i think.  Concord i hear ya never EVER had good luck with them. damn swivel feet

ShortStik 06-05-2009
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what do swivel feet have to do with not extending the outrigger?

Drew AUS 06-06-2009
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Swivel feet are good!!! It dont matter what foot u got when you dont bother putting the outrigger out!!

BTW hi guys havent been on in a while


Vasa 06-06-2009
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We are atleast 2 members from CP.com on TOW 411.....

Some pic´s when I was towed to VOLVO , a pressing on a hydraulic hose to the powersteering was not so good !


Many 06-06-2009
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I try to get by there website once a week,very interesting.I ran heavy tow for a couple of years,always an interesting job.Nice pic's