Todd | 08-03-2014 | comment profile send pm notify |
What do you think would be best, what text do you think i should use. |
TeamStreamline | 08-03-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Both are lame. What is all this please stuff? How about: "hey, dummy, if you overflow the hopper and don't clean it up, I will call dispatch and let them know about it. " |
Beast | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
biged | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Most likey the two sitting there were not the one's that made the mess, I have had drivers spill and they would get ouy and try to help clean up, I was always standing by my pump go out of your way to talk to them, pumping Grout can be a mess, OLIN gave everybody a pan with every pump sold I carried mine under my pump kit,when every I was on the street it was under the Manifold. |
bisley57 | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would rather have too much concrete in the hopper than not enough,so answer me this,Why are we so concerned about spilling concrete?........Operate your boom,clean the boom,then put your truck in reverse and drive through the pile that the drivers spilled,simple. So part of our job is to clean up someones mess?Let me make a legitimate complaint,these goofy pump operators talking to their boyfriends on the cell phone when they are suppose to be paying attention to this death machine we call a pump,irks me to no end.Get on with your life children.I think Todd needs to make some crying towels for these wa-wa boys who think they are operators. |
Todd | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
I do not know if you have heard this before or not but operators of concrete pumps are getting the tickets from the environmental protection agency and the police. I know people who have gotten arrested over it. It is not the operators fault. It is something that we need to push back on. Things will get worse with the police not better. |
Todd | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
One more thing bisley57 I am not making a great big deal over this, i just made a couple memes that's all, we can talk about this stuff, nobody is crying. |
bisley57 | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
So our hard earned tax dollars are paying police to arrest pump operators for spilled concrete?.........As I walk in the front gate at Angola the other inmates say "Don't mess with that guy,he is a serial concrete spiller" On a serious note,shouldn't the EPA and police be more concerned about the fumes coming from a Porta-Potty truck? |
TeamStreamline | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd- you are correct about the tickets. I had a driver hit the chute unlock and dump a wheelbarrow into the street while running a trailer pump in San Diego. Driver grabbed a shovel and was cleaning it up. Unfortunately, he moved the tarps and containment out of the way. City just happened to drive by and saw the mess. Ready mix company and I were both issued citations. Ready mix covered mine, since it wasn't my mess. However, next citation will be $1000 if i get caught again. Driver F's up and I get a strike on my record. WTF. |
toper | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
well i havent chimed in for a while now so heres my 2 cents, wait 1.65 after taxes the contractor is 100% liable for his job site if making a mess might be an issue (whitch usually is and happens) then he needs to take the apropriate action to prevent any run off, as far as the pumps getting dirty well it comes with the territory, just another day in paradise, tarp up well and youll have minimal mess to wash off, no sense in pointing fingers and getting all huffy puffy about it,the less you stress about it , the happier youll be, |
Todd | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Every ticket i have heard about goes to the pump operator, this is the first time I heard of the ready mix guy getting one. |
Todd | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
PUMBO | 08-04-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
something along these lines for inspiration. |
Beast | 08-05-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Bisley , I would rather have a concrete truck driver that can keep my hopper full without running it over , without running it dry , is this to much to ask ? We have to train operators to effectively run our equipment , why shouldn't they be held to the same standard ? Now on the cell phones , this really gets me , I am very rarely on a pump anymore , but made a decision years ago that my phone would be left in the cab during setup , operation , and cleanout of any equipment I was operating , now I would check it if I had a break in trucks , I truly believe companies should promote no cell phone use while performing any work related task in the field , and all cell phone use while driving / unless hands free should be prohibited. But thats just my opinion. |
JoelDLong | 08-08-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Looks like the first time I got ahold of a bass-ackwards Schwimmer after running Putz..that pump forward switch just don't prime worth a damn. Be nice to the RD drivers..the day your sweep blows apart and covers him up ends with him suing you into extinction or just wiping the mess off and saying "I'm okay you need help putting it back together"! Some of the guys have helped me tear off pipe in 0 degree weather..if they run it over just spray a little more form oil and play operator a while. |
JoelDLong | 08-08-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
And spell check isn't really worth much on my phone...between pumping this wall and typing I can't spell too good. .just kidding folks. |