OK,So you blew it on a water wash!!!
WHO?? 10-15-2010
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DO NOT PANIC!!!...I will tell you what I have done to save the day!!....OK so you blow your hopper down and blast a full hopper of water into the redi-mix truck.Throw it in reverse,and all seems well.You pull the hose out of the truck and cover the end to double check for good suction...NOTHING....OK here comes the DON'T PANIC part.......if you got water out of the end of the hose into the drum your OK...Now when a water wash goes wrong,It is in the turret and deck pipe 99.9% of the time.First things First...DO NOT PUSH on it,I repeat DO NOT put the pump in forward,Again DO NOT put the pump in forward.What you need to do is open the swing 90 and clean out what you can.Button her back up and stroke her in reverse (You cant plug up if your pulling on it....Push on it and your screwed)), while you fold up,The entire time you're folding up boom,Outriggers,Everything,Now then you got all your junk picked up and are ready to roll out.Head to a friendly place where you can wash out,set up and you will have access to water.When you get there...Drop the hopper wash out everything.Get the back end closed back up and fill the hopper with water,Now this is important...SLOWLY push water up the deck pipe into the turret and a little ways up the boom.SLOWLY!!!!!!...Now suck the water back as fast as you can.Do this a couple times and then pump the water out out of the hopper,Suck her back and rinse the hopper out.I like to circulate a hopper of water for a little added "Warm and fuzzy"..........I have accidentally garbaged up a couple of water washes my self and this little trick kept me from having to take the boom apart.......ALSO...Don't give me the "Suck a ball back and you wont ever have to deal with it" CRAP.....SUCKING BALLS IS FOR HOOKERS!!!!

PUMBO 10-15-2010
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Nice work. However, I dont think you would be thinking rationally when you have a contractor on the phone demanding your sevices for that second job with concrete on site. therefore:

"Suck a ball back and you wont ever have to deal with it "

pumpaholik 10-15-2010
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Hookers u reckon aye.

Drew AUS 10-15-2010
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water washing seems to make rocket science out of concrete pumping , if you fuck it up looks like you gotta go through a whole lotta bullshit to fix it!

Suck back a ball , if it fucks up blow it out !! Simple

I go by the KISS rule works really well!

rusty22 10-15-2010
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Ill stick to sucking back the ball.The contractor has to give you a place to clean out.Guess you were late for the second job.Deck pipes are heavy,and taking apart the turret pipes suck,You get all geasy from the hoses inside. Now you know why they call it a Suicide Wash Out

pumpjockey 10-15-2010
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This is where slick pack is your friend as well. And don't be afraid to use lots of it. 1 gag to 10 - 15 - 20 gallons at the most. Mix it in the hopper water and also in pails to dump in the tip, raise the boom to get some 'water head on top of the plug. If you have a 5" double-ender, you may also want to try connecting to your deck pipe and pump the slick water backwards through the boom system. My waterwash plugs have been in the last 3 -4 feet of deck, the turret, and 4-5 feet of the first section (this is on a 36) it's the stuff in the first section that may have some residual cement and set up some eventually, the turret and deck have the rocks and intermediate sizes. Good tip, WHO, I'll keep it in mind. The stroke SLOW forward is the critical part. The slick gives the missing lubrication that cement provides back to the rock.

biged 10-15-2010
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Push a sponge in the tip hose then pour 5 gallons of water in behind it then hang the hose in its holder then start stroking in reverse for  about three strokes then stand the boom straight up then start sucking it back then you are clean,for your next job.

oregonfan6285 10-15-2010
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Never heard the term suicide wash out but I have seen a suicide prime. Now that's some scary shit!!!. Keep on water washing who. I do it every chance I get. And why would you tell the contractor that you plug on a water wash? Your done he doesn't care.

52putz 10-15-2010
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I'm a hooker.

They pay me to get fucked all day long.

May-as-well suck the balls.


b-alto 10-15-2010
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Water washing is good if you have no where else to dump. I don't do it because it takes a too much water. Never understood where all the water comes from? What about the second job? Good advice though. I solve deck packs and others by using a hose with good water pressure to flush out. Jamb it in and it will break up the clog and back wash out. Usually it only involves taking apart an elbow or 45. Then I forward reverse water to be sure. Yeah, clean up and get out, does no good to screw around at the job site looking like an amateur.

Dipstick 10-16-2010
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We had a discusion about this earlyer and than i thought it was a cool idea but I had a situation the other day where i sucked a ball back and accidentaly pumped it in to the line again. Than I pumped a load of water through but that only took the sand and cement. I almost had major a disaster.

Than I woke up again and realize that mixing a huge amount of water through the crete and than pump that in to the system is indeed a very bad idea.

biged 10-16-2010
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If you just got to water wash you better put a couple of sponges in a head of the water so if has something to push against then it want seperate and jam up. Just don't for get your sponges.,

mudcup 10-16-2010
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8X8 sponge in the tip hose suck it back slow works every time for me I just don't understand the "water wash" it goes against everything I was ever taught about pumping it's just my opinion I'm not bashing anybody it just seems like to much could go wrong.

CAPTAIN VIC 10-16-2010
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Water wash works great if you are in a part of the country that has decent concrete. Go out in the sticks, and you will run into bearly pumpable mix. This stuff is not for water wash, also, where do you get enough water.....most redi mix drivers in this area are real stingy with their water and a 5/8 inch hose won't give enough water fast enough into a big pump hopper to get to the end of the boom.

Call me a "hooker", because I told the guys who work for me that they would get fired!!!!! if they tried to water wash and weren't successful. So, are you willing to gamble your job???? 

WHO?? 10-16-2010
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OK well I just thought i would share what works to fix an issue that I have had TWICE in 5 year of water washing....For those of you guys that think WW'in is a pain or too much can go wrong...You guys are way off,It is very easy and a breeze to do.Both times I/ME/THIS GUY/NO ONE ELSE screwed it up!! So I did exactly what I posted above and BAM clean as a whistle,WITH OUT taking the boom apart!!!.....As for having some one in your ear screamin about the next job.....Why would you wash out to begin with ...If they have mud on the Job FOLD UP and haul ass!!!.. I have a pretty good repor all the ready mix drivers here,They have no sweat let me get some water from then I use their hose and mine both to fill the hopper in no time and they pretty much always let me blast it into their drum......Anyhow Just thought I would share a little tip to tuck back in your "What if" file ........Oh and "52PUTZ" that is too damn funny!!

"MUDDY" 10-16-2010
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Sounds like alot of extra work for the same result. A CLEAN PUMP.... Some people would call that stupidity. We can just say it's unnecessary. See what I mean about the term PARANOID PUMPER????

pumpjockey 10-16-2010
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OK then, so what's so damn smart about priming with water?

pink panther 10-16-2010
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It is not alot of work to water wash. It is actually simpler if you know how to do it right. When sucking a sponge back, you cannot do it with a 3 or 4" slump. You have to wet it up first then suck a ball. Waterwashing can be done with curb mud. I love to water wash but the company I work for does not allow it because none of them even know how to do it. Half of them think a water wash is putting 5 or 10 gallons of water in the tip hose, then suck a ball. What idiots, that is not a water wash. But do not try it unless you have someone with experiance showing you how.

Drew AUS 10-16-2010
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Maybe the concrete is different down here but I never have major problems sucking back even with the uglyest mixes... Blocking up in deck pipes and all that shit is not an issue suck a ball then fill the drop hose with water and suck another, the pipes are spotless, if you have a rag hose you have to take the hose off , big deal !


52putz 10-16-2010
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I'm not knockin it; if you like it and it works for you, go for it.  I just think is as fast, if not faster, to suck a ball.

But, I haven't WW that much.

Like someone else said, it depends on the mud too.

I do appreciate the post, though.  It's great to have tips for those who do WW.  Need some pics but I understand why not...too many people would tear it apart about something simple...like "man, look at all the paint chips on the transition!"

Thanks for the post.

Dipstick 10-17-2010
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Think everyone should do what he thinks is best. I just think this WW thing is not as easy and fantastic as it might sound at first hand. You might risk a nasty rock-plugg if you do it wrong. I don't think i will ever take the risk but who knows.

oregonfan6285 10-17-2010
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So what would you sponge suckers do if you forgot a sponge? And I am sure someone's going to say they always check for one before they leave but what would you do?

Vasa 10-17-2010
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Take a plasticbag with a shirt or two.... The passenger seat... Kill a rabbit or some birds to use as a sponge...

16 CELL 10-17-2010
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been there once myself (sponge blew off the deck on the freeway) wound a 5" ball of duct, stuffed it inside a plastic bag and sucked it back. when I got back to the yard after washing out I filled the hopper with water and pulled a sponge back as well, just to be sure.

b-alto 10-17-2010
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Everyone should know how to resolve a rock pack in the deck pipe and turret. You'll get one sooner or later, why? Many things can cause them.. One, the RM driver washes out in your hopper while your pumping down (been there done that). Two, horrible unmixed mud that just won't suck back. Three, worn wear parts run too long. Four, too much water in the hopper while priming segregates the mud and packs the deck and turret right off the bat. What do you do?

Matthew 10-17-2010
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You're all making a simple thing way to complicated. Water wash every day, and never plug on my wash. Trick to making the water not push through to remaining concrete and rock packing is stacking your slumps in the pipe. 2 strokes of whats left, mix your hopper to a 7 or 8 slump, stoke till its gone, stop, fill the hopper with water, stroke till the water hits the tip, reverse until your pumping air in reverse. DONE. Dump the hopper and run to the next job. Guarantee you my pipes are cleaner at the end of the day water washing than ones that are plunge/plug washed.

G Rock 10-17-2010
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I don't water wash too often but it is a good skill to have. You just have to know when to use it.  If you have hot concrete and you are in an area where you can't wash out, I would rather travel with a hopper full of cool water instead of hot concrete. I wouldn't do it between jobs -just a waste of time and water then.  Most of the mixer drivers  I deal with don't mind giving me water if I only water wash on rare occasions.

on a different note why do some mixer drivers get stingy with their water? Once their chute is rinsed who cares? They can reload when they go back to the plant; they are just being lazy dinks.  Sometimes I have to go through 4 jobs before I get a chance to reload. It is nice if a concrete company backs you up on this.  I once heard about a mixer driver being written up because he wouldn't give a pumper water. 

johnjohnjohn 10-17-2010
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god i love how everyone just attacks with their" just use a sponge every time!" tirades. the point of the post was to offer advice on how to fix your screw up if you happen to have WW'd. not which is the better method.
a good operator should know how to wash his boom using all methods. whether it's water washing, sucking a sponge, sucking a bucket or being forced to use your t-shirt. he should also know how to fix the problem's if any occur.
i'll give you an example of why knowing these methods will save your ass. i was on a 28m i had never run before and that sucker had exceptional suction! when i pulled my ball back it came back so fast it got cut in half. alas i was told to go do a second job, i took the bigger half of the ball with me and when it was time to wash out it wouldn't come back. not enough of it to create a seal. what to do what to do? it was a cold day and i'll be damned if i give up any of my clothing. so i called my boss and told him i was going to water wash which is strictly verbotten in my company. but since he knew i had experience from my previous company he gave me the go ahead. i did and went home without a worry. now if you had no other choice but to water wash or suck a bucket are you telling me you'd wait for someone to bring you a sponge or take it to the yard full?
by the way my preferred method is the suck a bucket. pipes are sparkling every time and it turns the mud to soup without the risk of packing your pipes.

mudcup 10-17-2010
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That's why I carry two sponges on the truck.

Dipstick 10-17-2010
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Or 5. They keep good quite long so why lett them be in the storage at the yard instead of behind your seat in the cab?

b-alto 10-18-2010
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One of these days I'll try a water wash. Where i live I can usually suck and dump. But a water wash would be appreciated by the contractor. How much water does it take to fill the hopper on 32 schwing? Deck pipe turret packs can be simply cleaned out by removing the 45 elbow and shoving a water hose up to wash out. Turret packs remove the forward 45 and do the same. It will save your ass some day. I learned one day with three RM trucks stacked up!

b-alto 10-18-2010
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I'm ready for the challenge. Kid? I wish. The big boys (Ralphs at least) water wash all their pumps. I've been pumping 6 years now learned the hard way with my own pump yeah, an old one. Now I own newer (much easier). I fix my own shit pay my own bills get out of my own predicaments, my ass my way. But for now I do suck two sponges with water in between.

johnjohnjohn 10-18-2010
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@ mudcup.... it's a great idea to carry two sponges on the pump. but sometimes you have a boss who keeps them locked up and has the only key so you're stuck with what you got. so mudcup what will you do when you find yourself in that predicament? what if you're 3 hours away from the nearest shop boy who can bring you a sponge? what are you going to do? learn different techniques that can get your ass out of the fire. that's what this post is about gentleman... NOT WHICH METHOD IS BEST. no operator here is going to tell you how to clean your machine. you do what works for you. but your way is not better than my way because my way works for ME!!! and vice versa....

Vasa 10-18-2010
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I wonder if your boss should have a pumpingcompany if he has the sponges locked in... Why ? Is some one stealing them ? Or are they to expensive ? You have permission to run his pump but not to take some sponges ! Are you allowed to refuel it ? Some sponges....

johnjohnjohn 10-18-2010
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@vasa.... because some guys take advantage of having sponges available and leave perfectly good sponges on the job site because they can't be bothered to reach under the hopper and get it. so if the owner of the company is going through 50 sponges a week what choice is he left with?... again, knowing alternative methods can save your ass on the job site. that is the last i'm saying anything on this topic.

Vasa 10-19-2010
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Dont they stop in the first 90 after the hopper ? A sponge last for a year or so if you take care of it . Once again it is a question of Leadership , dont your colleagues pick up the sponges if the Boss says so ?

Dipstick 10-19-2010
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I worked for 1 boss like that keeping everything locked up and always making trouble if you needed something. And now I have a boss that is completely the opposite. We mannage the storage our selves and I can tell you it doesnt make any difference as long as you have a great team of people working there. If it does you should wonder whats wrong with your team.

Mudslinger 10-19-2010
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johnjohnjohn: I'm with you! In my not so humble opinion a good operator can do it in ALL ways! Observe! Learn! Practice

pink panther 10-19-2010
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I water washed faithfully for 7 years. Now the company I work for does not allow it. So I have been sucking sponges for 2 years. I will do either way and they both have their benifits when done properly. I do know that with a water wash, the pipe is as clean as new with no buildup. I have done it a couple times when I have a blown gasket or an elbow that blew out during a pour. With these leaks, it is hard to get a sponge back. So then I go ahead and water wash until I replace the gaskets or elbow. I do suggest that if you have another job to make sure you clean out or at least get most of the water out of the hopper. No  SUICIDE PRIMES, they will bite you harder than a gator. I guess you all need to do what your boss wants you to do but if you have the chance to learn how to water wash, take the time to learn. It might save you someday.

b-alto 10-19-2010
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These are the best sponges. Uploaded with ImageShack.us

WHO?? 10-19-2010
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Why exactly did this turn into what it has become???...All I wanted to do is post a solution to a problem I ran into.A problem the I created for myself.If water washing is not some thing you care to do ....SO WHAT!!!!...I do it all the time every time the only time it has left me screwed is when I screw it up,If you think sucking a ball is foolproof and the only way to do it.....I am sorry,Sucking a ball/sponge/T-shirt,are all things I am capable of doing and they are great to have inn the "Bag of tricks"....But WW'in is an excellent tool to have a grasp on,If you can not see that then its what ever...Like I said I was trying to offer up some help..................................NO wonder the regulars don't post any more,You people take everything and turn it into your own personal fight and all that kind of stupid shit...Its really too bad that the people left on this site are so very .............."My way is the best way,and You are just too stupid and lazy to do it my way"....What ever

Dipstick 10-19-2010
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Aren't you overreacting a bit? When I count just quickly I see most reaction that are pro ww. Just a few that want to warn for problems that might happen when waterwashing. Maybe from people that have different concrete than others. It's just to warn people that have never done it before to think to easy about it and maybe fuck up.

WHO?? 10-19-2010
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Perhaps I did....But The "Lazy and Stupid" comment kind of got to me...I am far from either one and for some one to make such a comment is irritating

getRdone 10-19-2010
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I waterwash everyday and havent ffffeddd it up in five yrs. If you do it right there will be no problems. I can suck a ball back like the best believe me when i say that from running a gate valve. WW is so much easier, cleaner, evironmentally friendly, and get you out of a close call hot day situation. Its the wave of the future. Dont be scared all, you knew you should'nt of tried WW that wet ass load and talking to the miker driver that long. hahahah.

WHO?? 10-19-2010
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LOL!! No I screwed mine up when I went to climb the steps up to the deck of the pump and accidentally bumped the pump into Neutral.... "Aw man are you kidding me" I knew I was screwed!!!LOL

Grizzly 10-20-2010
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Sorry Fellas, I should have put a little more thought into my words on my post about WW . And , you guys are right ....if it works for you ..then stick with it. Please, accept my apology for my thoughtlessness. Grizz

Dipstick 10-20-2010
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Lazy is also a bit nonsens i guess. It sounds like a bit work to me since you need so much water etc.

But I am starting to get very interested now since some say it's so easy. 

Would you please like to explain exactly in detail how to do it ?? (if you still feel like it?)

WHO?? 10-20-2010
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You want to water wash??... here ya go IT'S EASY!!!! 1.pump the hopper down into the redi mix truck..every thing you can get out of the hopper 2.Turn your auger OFF and your vibrator OFF 3.Fill hopper up with water 4.Take ONE stroke slowly 5.Fill hopper back up with water 6.Cover hopper 7.Bring RPM's up to about 16-1700 8.Turn pump volume all the way up 9.Turn on the pump,let it shift 11 times,IMEDIATELY shift into reverse 10.bring the hose to the back near the hopper(with it still pulling in reverse) 11.Cover the end of your hose with your hand 5 more strokes and pull your hand off 12. rinse out the hose fold it up drive where ever you want to wash out. This was how I did it on my 39 now a days with the 47 I take a few more strokes but the principal is the same!!!

Dipstick 10-21-2010
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Ok. So the trick it to 'gently' fill the hopper with water. So you want the buildup to stay in place?

Is there any kind of concrete you should not try it with? What if there is a huge load of old crete stuck in the hopper? are you never afraid there is a chunk of crete still in your pipes afterwards? Or do you still suck a ball after this?

WHO?? 10-21-2010
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I always recirculate after a big poor.I like to kind of scrub the hopper clean with the concrete,You know what I mean??....Other than that,I have a hopper cover that I put on and I just run the water on that,I use my water hose and the redi-mix truck hose too,It does not take that long with both..............As far as being afraid there is concrete in the boom after wards,NO I am not,What I do is after I get the hopper of water blown out and have the pump in reverse,I bring the hose to the back near my water hose,Stick the nozzle in the end (while sucking in reverse)for 4or5 stroke I spray water in the hose,And then cover the end with my hand she will build great suction and let go of the hose.......I see no reason to suck a ball afterwards..........There used to be a video that some one made..I will hunt around and see if I cant find it

Dipstick 10-21-2010
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Sounds interesting! But I think I would stuff a ball in that hose afterwards just to be sure.

But at our yard we have a great washingspace with super waterpressure so when I come in (clean) I always fill up the hopper with water again and put the endhose over the side of the truck and blow a load of fresh water through the system. Than suck a ball back again. Than it's realy shiny inside. For all 'ballsuckers' you would be surprised how much shit comes out!!! And with which concrete the pipes get best cleaned by just a ball. The stiff crete is the easyes to clean. Very thin crete is the problem. Than I need almost a cubic meter of water at full speed to get clean water out. And when you than suck a ball again you get half a bucket of sand back in the first bend.

Beetle Bailey 10-21-2010
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pink a good mix at a 3 slump will suck back without a problem been doing it all week

Beetle Bailey 10-21-2010
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oregan then i just suck my go devil i always have it in case i need to blow the boom

Vasa 10-21-2010
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It will not come out some mud if you take of the 4" endhose and suck 1 or 2 sponges... When it going through the 4" it dont expand directly to 5" after the reducer and there is all the " shit" in the last section . I always take of the 4" when I put in 1 sponge and water and another sponge . If you try that you will find that your pipe is spotless . I used to do like you before . The pipe is shiny inside , I always waterprime when I start (only with endhose,not with system on) never stop when starting that way (putz 46m)

Vasa 10-22-2010
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1. 1 Boom Cleanout 2. 2 Boom Cleanout 3. 3 Boom Cleanout 4. Boom Cleanout 4 5. Boom Cleanout 5 6. Boom Cleanout 7 7. Boom Cleanout 8 8. Photobucket 9. Ready for next job... If My watertank is empty I use to fill from some firepost or some firestation if that is quiker than go to the shop or RM-plant... Photobucket

Dipstick 10-22-2010
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Well I love the way I'm doing it now. I don't have to focus so much on sucking back the ball in a right way because you wash again later. Now when I drive the boom in 'Z mode' I just fold the boom and put it on the truck, than suck a ball. Safe me a lot of time. Normaly I had to raise the boom up to an ark to get a ball back.

Vasa 10-22-2010
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I run in z mode most of the time , but when I wait for the last load I set the boom in A mode, so it is ready . I take the pump home sometime and it's save Me lots of time to not go to the RM-plant to make ready for the next job . (the pic's are from My old Schwing S42SX , now I run a Putz M46-5)

Dipstick 10-22-2010
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Yes. Than I would do the same. I only do it when it's very easy to do. At the yard I can almost do it while I am filling diesel and water. I live 5 min from the yard so I never take the pump home.

Dipstick 10-22-2010
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By the way... I only runn with 5'' hose. Never 4'' or less. But it sertainly does come some cement water almost every time. Not much but there is always some.

Not saying it's neccesary.. I never did it before but since 3 years I started doing it and got used to it. It's a lovely feeling to know 100.000% sure your pipes are so clean you can eat from them ;-)

It's also a goodway to prevent buildup in the pipes. Specialy before the weekend or hollidays..

b-alto 10-22-2010
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Dam Vasa thats a clean Machine! Stick, try the water in between two sponges its changed my life.. No kidding but use better sponges than Vasa Those soft 6" suck too much air. I use one Poof Soccer ball and one foot ball with 3 gallons in between. No bull, works excellent. Except for the fact of dumping the usual 1/4 yard of mud. Shoot I prime dry half the time.

Vasa 10-22-2010
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b-alto , it's nothing wrong with that sponge , it's a medium hard . Not soft or hard.... But it is the rubberpig that clean and the sponge take the water and do the last "polish" of the pipe . They are spotless , but today on My Putz I only use two medium sponges and water , the rubberpig get stuck in the bends between section 5 and 4 ( thighter radius on those bends) . I dont know the manufactuer of the sponges but I buy them from Putz and sometimes Schwing , they last atleast a year if you take care of them .

b-alto 10-23-2010
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Yeah Vasa, they just cost more. I guess i'm just partial to my own concoction, plus i buy them at Walmart let my kids play with them for a while then they go to good use. I do like the fact that they'r a little denser than Schwings. I poke a hole and fill with water right before they suck through. Shinny pipes are a must! How do you keep the back of your pump so clean?

Vasa 10-23-2010
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Formoil & high-pressure washer and some elbowgreas !

TooTall 10-23-2010
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Vasa you kick ass man!

pumpjockey 10-23-2010
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Brian, I stab my Walmart balls multiple times, and I also use the hose to 'pressurize' them before pushing it down and stuffing the next one in, topping with water and followwing with the second, (expensive) Schwing ball. The ball catcher always grabs the Scwing ball. I've also taken to using the footbals like you, and I find it stops in the S-tube of right at the ball cathcer with the Scwing ball. The reasong for the multiple stabbings is so that I can fill it with water, then step on it to clean the foam of the cement residue, if there is no easy escape for the water, the ball just splits wide open when it's stepped on.

pumpjockey 10-23-2010
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Vasa, thanks for mentioning that the pig gets stuck in the tight radius elbows, I won't even bother thinking of making one up then.

getRdone 12-11-2010
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My compliments on your clean hopper VASA

getRdone 12-11-2010
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No matter the method you should take the time to perfect and see witch method is best for your rig and the conditions its in. Also whats easyier for your daily routine. But just cause its easyier doesnt mean its better. Do it right and you wont be sorry the next morning. PUMP ON