one big house foundation!
16 CELL 06-29-2011
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135 cubic meters in the walls alone..... not sure how much went into the footings (separate pour)

16 CELL 06-29-2011
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16 CELL 06-29-2011
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16 CELL 06-29-2011
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16 CELL 06-29-2011
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16 CELL 06-29-2011
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Todd 06-29-2011
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nice pump

Trapper 06-29-2011
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Nice 58m. 5 section?

Boom Inspector 06-29-2011
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Damn thats a big ass pump and a big ass house. So glad to see it working and someone paying for it, hopefully this year is the turnaround for our economy. I sure have seen alot more companies busy this year than the past two years. Its a good sign for us all.


GARCIA 07-03-2011
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with a pump like this, you will enjoy working

16 CELL 07-04-2011
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yup, it's a pleasure to operate. My favourite thing about it is how nicely it drives with the rear steer. It's somewhat similar to a Putz 63 other than that the last two sections do not overhang the cab when folded up, and the rear outrigger is a fair bit shorter in length... and of course, it's a few meters shy of a 63 in the reach department :)

Dipstick 07-04-2011
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It looks so extreemly long.. Just looking at my model of the 58 schwing (with 5 axels!!!! instead of 7)

Is it some kind of special chassis or does it just look so long ?

Dipstick 07-04-2011
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This is the normal version with 6 axels. They also make it with 5...

That thing you've got there is HUUUUGE!!!! hahaha.

Dipstick 07-04-2011
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Look at how compact this thing is...

Dipstick 07-05-2011
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Come on 16 CELL.. Tell us the story behind this monster ;-) I'd love to know. Maybe we can get one like this to drive legaly in Norway some day with these specs ;-)

16 CELL 07-06-2011
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it's on such a large truck over here because of weight laws, overall weight as well as specific weight on each axle. a 58 on 5 axles is about as big of a machine as we can legally put on the road out here. I believe the 63 putz is 4 or 5 thousand KG's heavier, so we could never get one on the road, which is a shame since they are mounted on the same rig. Looks like you guys have some great options for mounting, could probably squeeze one of your 58's into some pretty tight spots, given the much smaller truck they are mounted appears that you gain a little more reach off of the front end as well.