Photo troubles
squishy 06-22-2008
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I'm having some difficulty adding pictures and can't figure out why.

My file size is well under 50M and all files are jpeg, but I can't upload even a single image - just keep getting a "check file size message."

Is the site having problems??

OE Local 3 06-22-2008
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are you trying to upload them to the "photo hopper" or your profile ? If you are getting that message with your profile it may be corrupted. let me know and I can help you out. We may have to delete your profile and start over.



squishy 06-22-2008
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Nope, not trying to add to my profile.

I went to the "photo hopper," created an album but can't seem to upload any images to it.

OE Local 3 06-22-2008
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 squishy ,

Sounds like you know your file is below the required size. I just uploaded a few for a test. I had to put my photos @ around 190kb for them to upload. Give that a try, hope it works for ya.



squishy 06-22-2008
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So then is the 50M limit supposed to be 5M??

I shrunk my images down more and got them all uploaded.
