Pics from Friday
Raymond 08-30-2008
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Hey OregonFan-

yours looks like mine...kinda

oregonfan6285 08-30-2008
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This is what happens when you let your boss run your pump. I took the box back after this colum.

Busy day!!!!

oregonfan6285 08-30-2008
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yeah twins!!! whats your unit number? mine is #2142. its a 2006

Raymond 08-30-2008
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2459   '07


greedy 08-31-2008
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   your back legs look longer on your 52 than my UK 52 is this an amercian spec or do i need glasses nice pump!

putzman1975 08-31-2008
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nice pics were are u located i see cemex redimix there big in fla thats were i pump

Vasa 08-31-2008
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Greedy , I think it is because he got a longer chassi than yours .

It is the same on ours 36m the 4 axels has longer rearleg then the pumps with 3 axels...

oregonfan6285 08-31-2008
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what year is your pump i would guess a 2006. does your tag axle turn in the back? mines doesnt so it sucks trying to turn the thing. are 61 putz is only 4 feet longer and he gets two rear steer axles.



these are pics from vegas. cemex just bought rinker out here so the are painting all of their trucks. cemex is big here but not as big as a local company called nevada ready mix or what we like to call them Never Ready Mix (NRM)

greedy 08-31-2008
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year 2006 bsf 52-5 lifting and steer rear axel i get in some tight spaces with it with out the steer axel you have the turning circle of the QE2 good luck with yours with those longer rear leg she must be very stable over the side with the boom full strech

PourItOut 09-02-2008
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Why is the man on the columb bearhugging the hose?  NOT VERY SAFE!!!!

oregonfan6285 09-02-2008
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he is looking inside the colum. how do you guys pour colums?