Pics from Saturdays Pour
Chris Vogel 02-15-2010
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1595, 2379 and 2472 at Work

Chris Vogel 02-15-2010
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Chris Vogel 02-15-2010
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Chris Vogel 02-15-2010
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Chris Vogel 02-15-2010
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BUCKY 02-15-2010
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Sweet pictures!!! What was the total yardage?

jspumper 02-15-2010
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Love it!!! nice pics!

Ti-so 02-15-2010
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How much money/hour on those picture?Nice pic

Luke Wangen 02-15-2010
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Nice pics Chris. Looks like a huge job. Is that in Houston?

Crow 02-16-2010
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nice pics chris.  how's the mardi gras?

biged 02-16-2010
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Was there finishers from and area jail cause every one has a white jumpsuit LOL.

markmark 02-26-2010
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 You Know, it's nice to see the big  manufacturers workin together